Recent content by birdsforbrowns

  1. birdsforbrowns

    May have an egg bound hen but not sure?!

    Mine got their last round of Zyfend drops (natural dewormer) for a week beginning 3/3.
  2. birdsforbrowns

    May have an egg bound hen but not sure?!

    I had the same issue...noticed her looking egg bound (feathers puffed and isolated standing around) yesterday and immediately gave her a warm bath, Nutri-drench and isolated her in a dark quiet spot. She passed away today. Yesterday I also noticed another one acting similar, not as severe, and...
  3. birdsforbrowns

    Help...My favorite girl might be a roo

    New post on an old topic that has returned. 10 week old (hatched 9/28) black copper maran. I'm thinking that the name Dorothy just won't fit any this a cockerel?? Color, saddle & hackle feathers, even comb?!?! Just want to be sure before I start calling Dorothy Hercules!!
  4. birdsforbrowns

    Possible prolapsed vent? Egg bound?

    The latest on our's not looking good. She isn't drinking water, nor is she eating the eggshells/tums combo. I tried giving her some scrambled eggs today (saw on a post somewhere to try) and even that didn't do it. At this point I don't believe it is egg binding because I feel no egg...
  5. birdsforbrowns

    Possible prolapsed vent? Egg bound?

    Update on our sweet Cali... This morning when I checked on her her vent was closed. I went ahead and gave her another Epsom soak for 20 minutes, then turned her over and massaged around the vent and felt no firmness at all...nothing that would indicate an egg pressing near the vent. I did go...
  6. birdsforbrowns

    Possible prolapsed vent? Egg bound?

    She is pooping. It looks like that but firmer and more round.
  7. birdsforbrowns

    Possible prolapsed vent? Egg bound?

    How long do I let her go before I cut it out? Oh my goodness. I'll grab her and try the Preparation H...The protrusion does seem the right shape for an egg but smaller. My son actually asked if she was laying a red egg. I'll try the Tums too, crushed up. Poor girl. Hopefully tomorrow she'll...
  8. birdsforbrowns

    Possible prolapsed vent? Egg bound?

    I have a hen that today when I was checking for eggs stood up and had a red, bulbous portrusion from her vent. I let her be, and came in to research. It looked like pictures of a prolapsed vent. So I isolated her and watched her a while. She was squating in a nest in her isolation crate, but...
  9. birdsforbrowns

    Fowl Pox

    Thanks...Here are some of the smaller spots on a couple of the girls (hard to get a good picture when they constantly are moving those heads, lol). I never see them pick on each other- we only have 4 in the coop right now, but a search online for black spots on chicken comb turns up pox or...
  10. birdsforbrowns

    Fowl Pox

    I saw another thread regarding fowl pox and it looked much more severe than what our guy and girls have, but I wanted to be sure...Our fabulous rooster Zoltar Rex has the worst of it thus far. The girls have much smaller spots that are barely noticable, yesterday was the first day we saw...
  11. birdsforbrowns

    If the Roo is an EE, will the offspring be an EE even if the hens are not???

    So the title tells the tale...we are wanting to hatch some offspring of our EE Rooster, Zoltar. He is a magnificent dude, if I do say so myself, but since he is a "dude" we aren't getting the colorful egg variety we had hoped for (the only EE chick we got). Our hens are buff, RIR and...
  12. birdsforbrowns

    Changing up pecking order

    I'm going to borrow a friend's incubator. My hens aren't broody at all! BUT, just cracked a couple to make waffles and neither were fertilized, so my Roo's fertilization rate may be low. He's working hard at it but may be missing the mark.... I've seen a few that were, so I'm hoping for a...
  13. birdsforbrowns

    Changing up pecking order

    I'm interested to hear as well...I have seen some changes in my flock ranks and we are about to try hatching some of our eggs (we're in the south, I figure we still have time) as we recently lost a beloved hen. The babies, when feathered, will be the first "additions" to our small flock of...
  14. birdsforbrowns

    Help...My favorite girl might be a roo

    Thank you so much for the information. We're mulling male names and this morning when I went out to say hello to the "girls", I caught myself as I said it! Looks like we'll have to get an incubator and hatch our own female EE's in the next couple years! And for now, 4 hens will be enough for...
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