Recent content by Birkshire-Spur

  1. Birkshire-Spur

    The Seney thread

    Thanks for the words of encouragement and for your support for the Seney breed. I had stated that there were three others with these, but the fact is that there may be more now. They were a hit at a country fair and the guy that showed them might have already provided some people with some...
  2. Birkshire-Spur

    The Seney thread

    I just went out and had a conversation with my chickens and told them the bad news; that they don’t really exist. Their reply was, “why?” as they all looked around twisting their heads to inspect each other. They have been good chickens, pay their rent, and have done a wonderful job of...
  3. Birkshire-Spur

    The Seney thread

    Yes, they are a breed and many people love them. Being self-righteous doesn't mean a person is right. It just means they think they are. Wow, enough of the name calling for somebody's breed that they decided to get and really like. BTW, the next show I go to I am going to stand next to the...
  4. Birkshire-Spur

    milliefleur genetics--anyone know how to make it?

    Use the Black Frizzle male. All chicks will come out looking like black chicks. They will grow up looking like red birchen and/or black. You will want to hatch many as you can to be sure that the frizzle gene (F) and its relate modifier gene (mf) are in the correct association and on a male...
  5. Birkshire-Spur

    The Seney thread

    Yes, I have some. There are about three other people with them as well. No, they are not Easter Eggers. Yes, they are a breed. A breed does not have to be listed in the Standard of Perfection to exist. Breeds were maintained long before that book came out. Look at Feathersite to see all...
  6. Birkshire-Spur


    Feathered legs have nothing to do with cold hardiness. Good breeding and a larger bird will get you hardier chickens. It is possible that your booted chickens had a disease that took them out. Some diseases do not surface until the bird is stressed. For cold durable chickens: 1 – find a...
  7. Birkshire-Spur

    Porcelain Color

    Porcelain is a difficult color to perfect. There are many things working against you. If you are the type that has the time and patience to make one, then figure on 4 to 5 years and several hundred chicks. You might be close then. It then might take you another 5 to 6 years to get rid of the...
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