Recent content by Blackbird Farm

  1. Blackbird Farm

    Calling all Penedesencas Owners/Breeders

    I asked the breeder about his variety. They are penedesenca but he gets hens from his breeding that either have either gold points on their feathers or a more silverpoint on their feathers. The more silver tipped ones he refers to as the silver duck wing. The gold ones he refers to as the...
  2. Blackbird Farm

    Calling all Penedesencas Owners/Breeders

    Thank you so much. I'll try to find out what I do have. Probably some mixed breed. I guess I won't be breeding penedesencas from this batch. I'll have to look into finding a reputable breeder and try again.
  3. Blackbird Farm

    Calling all Penedesencas Owners/Breeders

    After researching the breed a bit more I do understand now that there are only four recognized varieties of the breed. I will see this breeder tomorrow and ask a little bit more about what it is he is selling me. I have embedded an image here if that works, It is of one of the roosters that...
  4. Blackbird Farm

    Calling all Penedesencas Owners/Breeders

    There is no such thing as a silver duck wing Penedesenca unless that is something he created - in which case they would be extremely rare but unrecognized. The varieties of Penedesenca that exist anywhere in the world are Black, Crele, Wheaten and Partridge. There are many varieties of...
  5. Blackbird Farm

    New member here.

    Introducing myself. I've been a backyard chicken owner for the past six years having had a variety of breed's including Buff Orphington's, Americauna's, Barred rocks, Black Sex Links and New Hampshire Reds. I have just recently acquired some Penedeseca chicks and hope to breed those. I am not...
  6. Blackbird Farm

    Calling all Penedesencas Owners/Breeders

    I am new to having Penedesecas. I just got the first chicks five weeks ago and they're starting to feather out. I got the next batch five days ago and hopeFully will get more this weekend. The variety from what I understand is an even more rare a variety of the breed. The breeder said they were...
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