Recent content by blobear23

  1. blobear23

    What recipes do you like that use a lot of eggs???

    Good ole egg salad! I use 18 eggs lol
  2. blobear23

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Well. My numbers a skewed! We built a seep rate smal coop for smaller and injured chicks we have. An for the only Banny we have (was a birthday gift for my daughter. Not my choice because couldn't integrate with bigger chickens). None were supposed to be age of laying. WRONG!! Accidentally found...
  3. blobear23

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    8/14 yesterday. 4 so far today
  4. blobear23

    What treat did your chickies get today?

    Why do you give acv? They just like it or for a specific reason?
  5. blobear23

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    8/14 yesterday. Looks like my two wyandottes are practicing!! All this week I keep fifding them in the nest. But not squatting yet
  6. blobear23

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    9/15 yesterday. 7 so far today but unfourntuantly my count will be only 14 as of today. We just found one dead. Maybe a cat not sure. Didn't find any type of injury :(
  7. blobear23

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    9/15. Includes 4 that aren't of laying age yet. All brown. Two of the 4 that rant laying yet are Americans. I can't wait for color variety!!
  8. blobear23

    What treat did your chickies get today?

    Wow! We are still hitting 100 degrees!
  9. blobear23

    Dehydrating eggs for long term storage

    Be careful on how you preserve from a shw. I watch it to and gives a lot of great ideas. However they have to keep to a time line for the show and sometimes cut out important parts of the process. Such as mineral oiling the eggs. They have to be less than 24 hr old and unwashed. Then the oil...
  10. blobear23

    Color changing egg

    Lol I think it came from my white rock. But I believe in magic!!
  11. blobear23

    Mealworm farming

    It was getting around 105 daily here. We didn't mess with other than to pick up their crate and look through. Tomorrow I'm feeding to the chicens and starting iver
  12. blobear23

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    After culling one girl for continuous egg eating ( couldn't break her of the habit) I'm finally back up to steady 6-7 eggs daily
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