Recent content by BluElky

  1. BluElky


    Thank you for the well wishes. A couple people think he might have an impacted crop and that's what caused the infection?
  2. BluElky


    So I just had this whole long thing written up and my computer froze. Let's see if I can remember all of the details. A few days ago my husband and I noticed both our pekins (one drake one hen) kind of using their wings to walk and they were just sitting in the yard. The female looks slightly...
  3. BluElky

    Special needs chickens contest

    I know this reply is outdated now, but I'm so sorry about your chicken having cancer. I just lost my favorite hen in January from intestinal cancer. I cried for days. It's never easy losing a pet.
  4. BluElky

    Dying Crested Polish chick

    My husband and I got 3 new chicks that are only a few days old. When we first brought them home, the Polish was doing fine, though she's smaller than the other chicks. Today she's very lethargic and won't open her eyes. We've fed her with an eye dropper but she can't stand up anymore. Any...
  5. BluElky

    Bluelkys Member Page

    Our first chickens! My boyfriend and I thought why not get some cute little fuzzies, like chickens. We got them at the local feed store and kept them in our room for the first few months with a heat lamp. Now they're 5 1/2 months old and yield about four eggs a day. Sometimes less, for now they...
  6. BluElky

    Special needs chickens contest

    That is so sweet of you! Here's the link: In the info section of that page on the left, there is all of the info about where the donations can be made. We have a wonderful avian vet that has taken very good care of our...
  7. BluElky

    Are these duck eggs?

    We have a pekin drake and khaki campbell girl. Based on what you described, I'd say yes, definitely duck eggs
  8. BluElky

    Special needs chickens contest

    Not sure how to post in the special need chicken category but here's what I want to say: One of our mama birds Elky was just diagnosed with tumors that may be cancerous, but she has been responding to the meds very well. We have a fundraiser for her surgery on facebook (Help Save Elky the...
  9. BluElky

    Hen has bare butt-no feathers.

    I also have a hen who just developed a featherless butt. It's kind of messy too. I've been sponge bathing her rear. Also she stopped laying couple months ago. There's no mites or any sign of bugs on her and the other ladies seem to be fine. The bald butt one eats and drinks normally too. Does...
  10. BluElky

    Deformed Chicks

    Oh goodness! That's funny, hope your chickens are doing well
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