Recent content by bluesmom

  1. bluesmom

    looking for a good dog

    hey have u checked local shelters? or rescues? we adopted a full blooded red heeler from our local shelter!!! he was about a yr old, and very much still a puppy!
  2. bluesmom

    day 23 and no joy!!!

    we need more info to help u out....might just be that your thermometer is reading wrong!!
  3. bluesmom

    Day 23-still no eggs

    any chirpping????
  4. bluesmom

    Doms-sexing at 8 days-now 13 day pictures added! lots of pictures

    i say #14 looks to be male by wings....
  5. bluesmom

    It VIOLATED my space...Now it must go!!!!UPDATE!!HELP!!OMG????

    if it sounded like a woman screaming i def say coyote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we have a farm and hear them all the time! sometimes they just yelp but sometimes they scream like a woman being beaten to death!!! or a fox??? fox u could take a vid like this tonite for us!!!! lmbo!
  6. bluesmom

    What to do with packing peanuts?

    hey JJ is in FL and he has lots of goodies!!!! maybe u could go pick up some babies???? or at least it would be closer ship and im sure he doesnt hv packing peanuts his link is listed here to his website:
  7. bluesmom

    What to do with packing peanuts?

    click on index, then go to buy, sell, auction.....u might even find someone close to u to get ur bantams from!!!!
  8. bluesmom


    i like my humidity @ 50 but i have a big incubator (hovabator) not the little ones that only hold a few eggs.... so if thats what u have then im more than sure your humidity would be fine in the little bators!!! lockdown is when u put them on their sides for the last 3 days before their due date...
  9. bluesmom


    do u have water in the moat in bottom of incubator too????? u might hv to add another wet sponge!! are u using auto turners ??? how many eggs?
  10. bluesmom

    Day 23-still no eggs

    i kno exactly how u feel, i was so anxious with these turkeys i i hv one hatching every day.... i keep my turners goin because i didnt expect anymore to hatch for a week or so and one has gotten his leg hurt from the turners so i might hv to cull it....not sure gonna give it a few days...
  11. bluesmom

    Day 23-still no eggs

    float test is beyond me.....gonna have to google that as i dont kno what it means, anyhow, if u do open the bator to candle or ck for pip or chirping use spray bottle and mist them when done then close back up, this will keep humidity good..... add wet sponge if need be to help keep humidity up!
  12. bluesmom

    Doms-sexing at 8 days-now 13 day pictures added! lots of pictures

    Quote: i thought all girls too based on what i can see of wings!!!! o and centrarchid....i got a GSP too!!!!! love him bunches! My gsp sleeping in front doorway next to hen trying to lay. They can be slackers. yep!!! our friends say we have a bird dog that wont hunt quail and a cow dog...
  13. bluesmom

    Doms-sexing at 8 days-now 13 day pictures added! lots of pictures

    Quote: i thought all girls too based on what i can see of wings!!!! o and centrarchid....i got a GSP too!!!!! love him bunches!
  14. bluesmom

    Day 23-still no eggs

    no it should be enough to mess with the hatching.... i would think the temp may b too low thus a late hatch date or they might not be good to start with.... candling is a dure fire way to tell.... ive candled mine and they hatch the next day! actually last week i candled my turkey eggs and i saw...
  15. bluesmom

    broody or not????

    ok here goes.... im hatching turkeys eggs, royal pams, for a guy off of craigslist. he said she has laid, her first year of it to, ever since she started the nest, so every other day she adds an eggs all the while still sitting on the nest, she has never stopped laying so he didnt want the eggs...
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