Recent content by BolanSixx

  1. BolanSixx

    North to Alaska!

    I'm looking to sell my Americauna Rooster. I figured to post here in case anyone would be interested. He is a nice looking bird. I just don't need him.
  2. BolanSixx

    North to Alaska!

    I was wondering, any of you here in Fairbanks interested in buying our Americauna rooster?
  3. BolanSixx

    North to Alaska!

    Ok, thanks. He was making me mad! I will wait and see how it goes. He might be a pot pie if he keeps it up. =)
  4. BolanSixx

    Ducks, they seem to be terrified of me!

    Thank you! I'm sorry I snuck in on your post, jakej1978. =)
  5. BolanSixx

    Ducks, they seem to be terrified of me!

    My three ducks do that too! I would love to know if there is some secret way to get them to not run away….. They will even jump out of the pool and run into a corner….
  6. BolanSixx

    North to Alaska!

    Ok, quick question that probably belongs in another area. But, help me please. =) I have a rooster. It is about 2 ½-3 months old. It looks like it's trying to mate with my girls that just came home (they went to stay with friends because of the fire) Isn't that a little young to be doing...
  7. BolanSixx

    North to Alaska!

    It's been chilly and rainy out here. But, my chickens are doing good. Let me know if any of you are headed out this way!
  8. BolanSixx

    North to Alaska!

    I was just curious if any of you got together here in Fairbanks? We are now up and running with our Cafe out in Pleasant Valley if you all want to meet here. Check out our website for hours. =)
  9. BolanSixx

    North to Alaska!

    I lived in Hawaii for most of my life. It's way more expensive to live there than here.
  10. BolanSixx

    North to Alaska!

    May I ask why you've chosen Hilo for a place to live off the grid?
  11. BolanSixx

    North to Alaska!

    Nope, not Mia's old place. They never sold it, but, it's being leased and they are open. Have been for over a month. Our place is by the laundromat/hardware store. If all goes well, we will have our opening May 23rd. I would love to meet up but, we have so much going on right now, I can't...
  12. BolanSixx

    North to Alaska!

    Hi! New to the forum, I did start a thread asking if anyone was in the Fairbanks area, and, my sister showed me this thread. So.....Hi =) This is my first year for chickens, they are still in my garage and some in the house. I also saw you were all trying to get a group together for...
  13. BolanSixx

    Anyone in Interior Alaska??

    Ok, thanks. =)
  14. BolanSixx

    Anyone in Interior Alaska??

    Hi! I was just wondering if there was anyone up here. =)
  15. BolanSixx

    Older chickens killed younger pullets!!

    Reading this made me sad. I'm sorry you lost some chicks. About 2 weeks ago, I had to put my second set of chicks in with my first batch (they are about 3 weeks apart) I waited till the younger ones were bigger just because I was afraid of that happening. I now have my last set of chicks...
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