Recent content by booger

  1. booger

    Ended - Coop Contest Fall/Winter 2009 - Win $20 Gift Cert.

    Here's mine, updated with a plan overview. Thanks for the email heads up!
  2. booger

    Done for now: The Forever Coop (Updated 6/5, page 3)

    A roost perched above a vinyl-covered droppings board. It does a great job of keeping the litter that much cleaner and it's super easy to scrape clean with a plastic spackle knife. We still need to finish tacking down the edges with trim in this pic. An external gate into the small, covered...
  3. booger

    Done for now: The Forever Coop (Updated 6/5, page 3)

    A flowerbed in front, into which we dump the old/fouled water. It's just been filled, transplanted, bulbed, and seeded here. We'll perfect and enlarge it after all of the construction is complete. The small, first part of the run is done. It's only 10' x 10' but it's only the beginning...
  4. booger

    Homemade chicken feeder and waterer pics please!

    Here's one hubby just made out of scrap metal. You could use wood just as easily.
  5. booger

    Done for now: The Forever Coop (Updated 6/5, page 3)

    Thanks, all. I rent hubby and his skills out by the hour. Unless it's raining and he's stuck in the house annoying me -- then I pay you to get him out from underfoot.
  6. booger

    Done for now: The Forever Coop (Updated 6/5, page 3)

    Not much coop progress due to life in general the past few days but hubby did get a feeder built yesterday out of scrap metal, painted with whatever we had on hand. And with the top off, you can see the baffles.
  7. booger

    Done for now: The Forever Coop (Updated 6/5, page 3)

    Thanks, all. More progress: Here's what it looks like from the southwest. On the south side, there will be a large overhang covering the first part of the run. Obviously, that still needs finished framing and sheeting. Much trim work still to do on everything. The north wall going...
  8. booger

    Okie newbie here

    Thanks for the additional welcomes! Quote: Too funny! I've called all of my kids Boogerbutt at one time or another. LOL
  9. booger

    Done for now: The Forever Coop (Updated 6/5, page 3)

    Today's installment: The partition wall was built with a 12" kick board across the bottom. Hubby custom built a door with expanded metal on the bottom and chicken wire on the top half. A closer shot of the completed door. This shot also shows the finished partition wall: bottom half...
  10. booger

    Okies in the BYC The Original

    Thanks for the welcomes! Don, you're practucally a neighbor if you're in Spiro. Cool! Someone on my intro thread said they're in Wister -- even closer. The world's getting smaller all the time. Or I'm getting bigger. Heh. The stinking rain needs to stop already. The road we take to town...
  11. booger

    Done for now: The Forever Coop (Updated 6/5, page 3)

    Without high-speed internet, how else would they email their eggs to us each morning? Duh. And, yes, they only have the basic, family satellite for their big screen television. No R-rated stuff for those ladies -- they're prudes, I tell ya, and get all high & mighty self-righteous whenever...
  12. booger

    Okies in the BYC The Original

    Hey, fellow Okies! I'm newly registered at BYC so thought I'd check in and say hey. Rather than repeat myself, I'll link ya to my intro and my new coop construction threads. Btw, we're down in southeastern OK, near Wister Lake in LeFlore County. Nice to meet ya!
  13. booger

    Done for now: The Forever Coop (Updated 6/5, page 3)

    *Edit: All pics & progress are all together on my BYC page so you don't have to scroll through all of the posts unless you want to. I just got done playing around with setting up a page here to document our new coop progress but thought I'd stick it here in the coop forum as well. Most...
  14. booger

    Okie newbie here

    Quote: Sounds like I'll fit right in! I'll pop in and say howdy. Thanks for all of the welcomes, everyone! I'm working on my page bit by bit -- will have to toss up a thread in the coop design section before long to go with it.
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