Recent content by Borichapiz26

  1. Borichapiz26

    broader temperature

    How do you change the temperature but raising the heat lamp right?
  2. Borichapiz26


    I apologize i live in Richmond Virginia and winter its cold and summer its hot during the day at sometimes its cold at night but i was also wondering i keep them all outside during the day cause its beautiful outside and i bring them back in around 4-5 but i was wondering why is it that they be...
  3. Borichapiz26


    Another thing even if its super hot day and night is it a bad idea to leave them outside in probably about another month?
  4. Borichapiz26


    I apologize i live in Richmond Virginia and it gets really cold at night in the winter and in summer it gets pretty hot but sometimes chilly night i keep them all inside anyways but thats why i was wondering because u read that once they are 5-6 weeks old they can move outside but i do not have...
  5. Borichapiz26


    Hi i am also new to this i was wondering about the baby chicks i have a 5 week and a 3 week chicks and i was wondering if i can leave the 5 week chick outside now but i dont know if to put him outside by himself or just leave him in the house with the others?
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