Recent content by Boxcar Orchard

  1. Boxcar Orchard

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-15-23 Pic by Floricik

    Oh, Nora, have you heard the latest...?
  2. Boxcar Orchard

    Did I end up with a roo?

    That happened to me, too! Sold as a pullet, but obviously not!
  3. Boxcar Orchard

    Any artists out there?

  4. Boxcar Orchard

    Ymir chickens

    Welcome! What sort of strategies have you implemented to predator proof your flock? I'd love to see photos. I'm new to chickens, and had first batch decimated. Now they are in a small tractor that I built, but I sense they would like more roaming space....
  5. Boxcar Orchard

    Amy from Minnesota

    Wow! Amazing space for your birds!
  6. Boxcar Orchard

    Golden lace Wyandotte genders.

    I purche=ased a couple wyandotte chicks, supposedly pullets from Tractor Supply. One developed that upside-down heart shaped comb, and he is definitely a rooster!
  7. Boxcar Orchard

    BYC Mom

    Good morning! Your flock sounds a lot like mine! A buff orpington (Buffy), a barred rock (Moira), and two wyandotte (Cinnamon and Spike). They are about 16 weeks old now. One of the wyandotte turn out to be a male (Spike--the name came before we knew he was a rooster!), but I'm going to just...
  8. Boxcar Orchard

    Happy to be here!

    Hi! I'm a retired preschool teacher, but currently full-time caregiver to my elderly bed bound dad, who turns 96 next week. I've moved back to my childhood home to take care of him, and finally get to fulfill my homesteading dream by planting fruit trees and raising chickens. Hatching chicks...
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