Recent content by bridgioto

  1. bridgioto

    Two bullies, pecking and injuries

    MrsBrooke: Yes, there's a way we could keep them separated in the outdoor run and we may try that next. I think I might also try giving her extra protein in her diet, I've seen that suggested a few places. But if she stays mean even after trying everything ... we really are thinking about eating...
  2. bridgioto

    Two bullies, pecking and injuries

    Hey all! Wanted to post an update and ask for some further advice. The great news is that once the initial bully was separated, I reintroduced the other two hens at night, and the next morning after a small dust-up they settled down and got along fine! I also happened to add a bunch of leaf...
  3. bridgioto

    Two bullies, pecking and injuries

    Thank you!! I've now separated the original bully and will try putting the other two hens together tonight while they're roosting. Planning on getting a dust bath ASAP as well as a flock block and other things to peck at. Really appreciate all the advice! :)
  4. bridgioto

    Two bullies, pecking and injuries

    Minihorse927: Coop size is about 4x5, two levels, so 40 sq ft total. Run is oddly shaped but the area totals 50-60 sq ft. There's no roof on the run area if that makes a difference. Currently I'm feeding them regular layer feed plus some cracked corn and grubs for scratch. Could changing their...
  5. bridgioto

    Two bullies, pecking and injuries

    I recently got my first three chickens (two golden sex links and a barred rock)! Unfortunately, within the first few weeks, I noticed that the bigger golden sex link was picking on the smaller one. She managed to peck out a little chunk of feathers from this gal's back, so we separated this...
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