Recent content by BrittanyTheYooper

  1. BrittanyTheYooper

    Duckling Death

    They lived to be four weeks though so I’m not sure why they died all of a sudden after that
  2. BrittanyTheYooper

    Comment by 'BrittanyTheYooper' in article 'Using Sand In the Chicken Coop'

    I use sand and so far I love it! Cost efficent, dust bath friendly, and easy to clean! I am a bit worried about our northern winters here since it's cold but I will probably just add a bundle of straw in one corner for them to burrow in if they get cold
  3. BrittanyTheYooper

    Duckling Death

    Help :( I don't know what I am doing wrong! This past June I brought home two baby ducks. They were kept in an oversized rubbermaid tote with fine pine shavings food and a bowl of water(so they could dip their bills) With the temp being around 75 in the room they were in I did not give them a...
  4. BrittanyTheYooper

    Chickens and Donkeys?

    We are getting a new Donkey, my chickens are already established here. The stall for the donkey is built off the back of our giant chicken coop. Do you think they will be okay co existing in the fame fenced area? Will the donkey protect or stomp them??
  5. BrittanyTheYooper

    New Chicks

    I didn’t end up washing them just letting them play in a shallow dish of water, hopefully it helps
  6. BrittanyTheYooper

    Comment by 'BrittanyTheYooper' in item 'Wyandotte'

    I have six and all of them are butt heads haha I have to chase them back into their coop at night. My orpingtons are alot more easy going
  7. BrittanyTheYooper

    New Chicks

    I know it sounds overly paranoid I'm just worried about bacteria and handling them now
  8. BrittanyTheYooper

    Horizontal nipple waterer

    I haven't had any mold issues yet, I am keeping my eye on it though thanks for the heads up
  9. BrittanyTheYooper

    New Chicks

    Hello Guys, Today I received a shipment of meat chickens and ducks. One of the baby chicks was dead and essentially stomped flat. The smell was horrific and some of the chicks have what appears to be blood on them :hit Can I wash them?
  10. BrittanyTheYooper

    Horizontal nipple waterer

    They are drinking!!!! Finally after sitting on the ground and tapping the drum for 15 minuets they starting pecking it and figured it out!
  11. BrittanyTheYooper

    Horizontal nipple waterer

    I still can’t tell I saw one pecking at it today but I don’t think she took a drink
  12. BrittanyTheYooper

    Graze all day?

    I have feed in the coop all day, I notice since they are essentially full free range they just scavenge most the day and eat either right before they go to bed or when they first wake up. During the day they mostly eat grass and bugs
  13. BrittanyTheYooper

    Horizontal nipple waterer

    So I installed a new waterer now that my chickens are all grown up and in their coop, but how do I know if they are using it?! Or how do I train them because they typically scatter when I enter
  14. BrittanyTheYooper

    Check out my coop ❤️

    They sell heating rock/pad things I plan to place one under the base of my drum
  15. BrittanyTheYooper

    Noticed you were in the UP as well! Neat to see another yooper ☺️

    Noticed you were in the UP as well! Neat to see another yooper ☺️
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