Recent content by BRnewbee

  1. BRnewbee

    Full House

    your chickens on your page are beautiful
  2. BRnewbee

    Full House

    can anyone tell me what this chicken looks like and male or female.... I hope female
  3. BRnewbee

    what kinda chicken does this look like

    does this one look like female? do
  4. BRnewbee

    What kinda chicken does this look like??

    the pics in the earlier posts where the little white one
  5. BRnewbee

    What kinda chicken does this look like??

    These chickens are about 12 weekold. I would like to know what kind of these may be and if the one in the last pic is male or female? thanks for your help
  6. BRnewbee

    What kinda chicken does this look like??

    wanted to know what this chicken may be and male or female??
  7. BRnewbee

    New to chickens..

    If my chickens that are about 3-4 weeks old have little bump on the back of both legs does this mean roosters?
  8. BRnewbee

    New to chickens..

    do you think looks like male or just to young to tell??
  9. BRnewbee

    New to chickens..

    The one on my avatar is suppose to be a barred rock and female
  10. BRnewbee

    New to chickens..

    Thank you for your post. I will try to get a better picture. Being inexperienced with chickens left me with a few questions about my whole flock I had purchased. What kind, that you guys have already addressed and male or female. I guess I will have to wait it out
  11. BRnewbee

    New to chickens..

    I got these chickens and was told they are about 2-3 weeks old. She said they were "Buffs" I automatically thought buff orpingtons. Also don't know if male or female Can anyone help please
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