Recent content by Brooks79

  1. Brooks79

    Need advice on hatch assistance!

    Thank you for your responses, they were encouraging & reassuring! The little chick is still doing wonderfully! He/she is all soft & fuzzy now & nestled warmly back under mama hens wing. When I had placed it back in the nest it still had the umbilical like attachment, but it has since dropped...
  2. Brooks79

    Need advice on hatch assistance!

    Just an update....I went ahead & assisted the chick because half it's little body was out already & the lining was drying out. We took it slow with the chick struggling to free its self as well. All went beautifully & the chick seems to be doing well! There's still I little umbilical like string...
  3. Brooks79

    Need advice on hatch assistance!

    Hello, I'm wondering if someone can help me determine if it's time to assist my little chick with hatching? I've read all the articles I can find & am worried by the warnings to not rush the process. We don't have our eggs in an incubator, they're all under a broody hen out in the coop...
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