Recent content by Brown Eggs

  1. Brown Eggs

    Need help

    The one that was making all the noise came out happy n healthy at 8am it was worth sitting up all night and I have a few more rocking crossing fingers
  2. Brown Eggs

    eggs shoud be hatching ??????????

    Danny I had one hatch this morning around 8 am and I have a few rockers in there Thanks for the advise
  3. Brown Eggs

    Plasson Bell Waterer and LG Poultry Fountain

    I use flex hoses so i can move them around you dont need pvc if ya fill them with sand then the chickis cant knock em over. Only thing I dont like is they are usless in the winter if left exposed outside they will freez in the valves and there is no way to keep em heated
  4. Brown Eggs

    Plasson Bell Waterer and LG Poultry Fountain

    I use the bells I have 3 tapped into a 55 gal drum and they work great very lil debris in water with this style
  5. Brown Eggs

    Need help

    I just looked and saw another that appeares to have blood around the hole it made this was the first 1 to start moving yesterday however not much movment for a few hours the one is making noise like crazy
  6. Brown Eggs

    Need help

    I have eggs and they are 2 days late but moving around someting they were not doing this afternoon any way i have one that has been making noise since about 730 pm and there is a small pc missing from egg but white film still covering hole is this ok will the chick be ok or will it pass not sure...
  7. Brown Eggs

    eggs shoud be hatching ??????????

    I would hope that the themometer is right but like you said the eggs will tell you Im going to check it against know temps to be sure now. How long should I leave em In the bator befor I will have the burst problems. This egg hatching is all new to me I have 200+ birds and this is the first...
  8. Brown Eggs

    Most humane way to kill 8 year old hen

    the quick and easy and instant way is to hold her under your weaker arm like between your side and your arm slide your index and thumb up the neck with your strong hand just as u reach the base of the scull give a squeez and a quick jerk to snap the neck
  9. Brown Eggs

    eggs shoud be hatching ??????????

    the temp has been at 100 the entire time and I kept the room temp at 85 during candeling so I should mist them ??? Do you think the one that was moving has died? should I remove it ?
  10. Brown Eggs

    Raccoon attack **warning pictures on page 4**

    This dont sound like a coon attack the injury is in only 1 area this sounds like she may have been getting pecked at by your other birds i had one that got its leg caught in some wire and had a small cut the next day half the flesh was gone on leg from my others pecking. a coon would kill the...
  11. Brown Eggs

    eggs shoud be hatching ??????????

    Hi I have 28 eggs in bator they have been in since May 11 th on friday I removed then from turner and placed on bottom of bator Yesterday I had 1 egg that was rocking and has small crack on it. Today nothing no peeps no moving eggs. This is my first run at hatching and I candeled them and saw...
  12. Brown Eggs


    Hi Im here in Pa Newfoundland in the poconos We are working on our coop now as of right now we have 80+ black sexlinks (F) 3 pekin ducks and 4 rosters trying to upload pics of coop.
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