Recent content by brx017

  1. brx017

    Brx017s Outhouse Coop

    PICTURES WILL BE ADDED AS SOON AS I UPLOAD THEM ALL DIMENSIONS WILL BE CONFIRMED TOTAL BILL OF MATERIALS WILL BE INCLUDED I would like to share my outhouse conversion coop with you. This is the old outhouse from my grandmaw's home on Barrett's Mountain, in Taylorsville, NC. The house was built...
  2. brx017

    What's your largest clutch ever???

    Yeah, it took her a long time to lay it seemed (8 months or so), but she's laid around 6 a week since she started. I was surprised how large they are too. I mean, they're not store-bought size, but they're not REALLY small as I expected.
  3. brx017

    What's your largest clutch ever???

    My silkie hen "Flossie Mae" just started laying a few weeks ago, and she's steadily laid nearly an egg a day. Hearing how broody silkies are, I just left the eggs in the nest waiting for her to start sitting (or is it setting?). Well, the eggs just kept piling up, and yesterday I finally decided...
  4. brx017

    What is wrong with my Hen??? Fine yesterday, Listless today - Video!!!

    Ethel is a 6-7 month old bantam cochin hen. I came out today around 1pm to check on my chickens, and found her alone in the coop laying on the floor. She is breathing slow and heavy with her mouth open most of the time. She won't walk, but she will balance on my hand when I pick her up. She was...
  5. brx017

    Supper Table Insights

    My wife and I had our first child 10 weeks ago... Baby Delia was 3 weeks early and only 5lbs 2oz. My little 4 year old cousin Chandler came to the hospital to see her for the first time. His mom was helping him hold her, and he said in the cutest voice "She's as little as a pickle". A few...
  6. brx017

    They sure ain't Silkies! Cornish?

    Quote: Yeah, I'm thinking about keeping a trio, but the wife doesn't really want to. She might change her mind when butchering time gets here, though!
  7. brx017

    They sure ain't Silkies! Cornish?

    Do they look like standards or bantams? Whats the typical butchering age of a non-hybrid cornish?
  8. brx017

    They sure ain't Silkies! Cornish?

    I went to a small animal auction on 8-13-11 with my buddy. I bought a box of 10 silkie chicks for $7.50. When the auction was over, I paid for them, and went around back to pick them up. I said to my friend, "I wonder what colors they are?" and opened up the box... "WOAH! These ain't silkies!"...
  9. brx017

    North Carolina

    Quote: Me too! Actually, Joshy here is my best bud. He helped me relocate my grandmaw's outhouse and convert it into my coop! I didnt realize there were so many folks on here from the area...
  10. brx017

    Mix breeding silkies?

    Red and Blue makes PURPLE!
  11. brx017

    Found a crow feather inside the coop

    Yesterday evening, I went out to check on my bantams. They were chillin inside the outhouse (their coop), no big deal. Then, I noticed a big black feather right in the middle of the pine shavings. It looks to me like a crow feather. I checked out my three birds, and they all seem to be happy and...
  12. brx017

    New guy from NC...

    Quote: That's about how old they were when I introduced Toby. He was in predator mode for sure. Now he doesn't pay them any attention.
  13. brx017

    my rooster is mating with my shoe...and not in a cute way

    Dont "break up" with him, no matter what you do! Sounds like the psycho-ex-boyfriend-in-the-making-type to me.
  14. brx017

    Looking for plans for a chicken tractor.

    I am working on designing a very efficient-to-build tractor. It's an A-Frame type with a "loft roost". My current design only takes (8) 10ft 2x4s, (1) full sheet of plywood, (2) pieces of 3 ft wide x 8 ft long roofing tin, and (35) feet of 2ft chicken wire / hardware cloth, plus typical hardware...
  15. brx017

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    I just turned 28, my wife is 26. We have been together for 12 years, married almost 4. We put our money together 1-2 years before we got married and tried to figure out a way to start out without going way in debt. We wanted to live comfortably and BELOW our means. We were both working to PAY...
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