Recent content by Bryan Morales

  1. Bryan Morales

    Philippine Native Chicken On The Spot Light

    "When it comes to taste, those who have tasted it would say that it is by far one of the most flavourful chicken meat around." I've been reading around quite a while and haven't found an article regarding this beautiful breed. So I'll post this article for you to read on and have quite an...
  2. Bryan Morales

    Whats the weirdest thing your chickens have eaten or tried to eat??

    my roo ate a rubberband. It was broken and has ends lingering. maybe he thought it was some kind of worm or something.
  3. Bryan Morales

    Chicken-vention... what inventions have you come up with? (Pic heavy)

    hahaha thanks for the replies. yeah i agree. typing it in google might be a bad idea. LOL.
  4. Bryan Morales

    Chicken-vention... what inventions have you come up with? (Pic heavy)

    anyone knows where to buy the "nipples" used in the waterer? what is it really called?
  5. Bryan Morales

    Comment by 'Bryan Morales' in article 'Automatic Waterins System'

    wow awesome! i wish i can have one of that in my coop :)
  6. Bryan Morales

    Please Help, I Am In Danger Of Losing My Entire Flock

    isnt it a case of infectious coryza? just curious.
  7. Bryan Morales

    Please answer this Simple Question

    yeah. as a newbie i am carefully learning each and every thing that i should learn. i'll figure it out later. say, experience teaches us real well
  8. Bryan Morales

    Please answer this Simple Question

    i kinda liked the third meaning of grit you have there.
  9. Bryan Morales

    Please answer this Simple Question

    Superb info! thanks a lot man. but i dnt think im gonna eat the corn grits that i saw in the vet store for my breakfast LOL
  10. Bryan Morales

    Please answer this Simple Question

    thanks devora. i just dont get why it has the word grit in it. LOL.
  11. Bryan Morales

    Please answer this Simple Question

    I read that chickens need grit to digest their food especially if what they're having is fibrous. i had this short visit in our local vet store and i found this "corn grits". i am feeding my chickens with cracked corn, and i am not sure what "corn grits" are. Anyone?
  12. Bryan Morales

    A Flock's Mysterious Death

    This is the exact answer that im looking for. thank you so much! i heard that there is a vaccine that would immunize chickens from 5 diseases that commonly strike them. do u know a brand that i should use?
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