Recent content by buffbrahmaboy

  1. buffbrahmaboy

    Where the 'blinkety-blank" is that jugular vein?!!!!!!!!!

    I've only done about 50 birds but it gets better with practice. First lesson learned: Cut AWAY from you or you'll eventually mix chicken blood with your own. I use the ear as a reference. The breast faces me in the cone. Pick a spot between feathers and make a quick, long cut with a very sharp...
  2. buffbrahmaboy

    Butcher Without Evisceration

    It's done! From two cockerels I wound up with 4 lbs of ground chicken meat from breasts, thighs, and legs. Thanks for the video link, BCMaraniac. It was awesome but I modified the technique somewhat. I found skinning the back of the birds difficult so left the skin and feathers bunched behind...
  3. buffbrahmaboy

    Butcher Without Evisceration

    I have two cockerels still alive from my last batch of day-olds. I should have processed them months ago with the rest but didn't and now it's cold out. I'm going to get rid of them but can't use the scalding pot or outside water source right now so picking and safe evisceration would be...
  4. buffbrahmaboy

    Rooster Advice Please

    I agree - eat him. And I like having roosters around. One of my earliest bad memories is being chased and put down by a rooster, and your kids don't need that. Reconsider when they're older and can learn the 'kick out of my way' technique, because a good rooster will sacrifice himself to keep...
  5. buffbrahmaboy

    Questions from Newbie

    I think you're better off providing crushed oyster shells to supplement calcium deficiency, otherwise they may start feeding on the intact eggs before you gather them. They won't eat more than they need, though.
  6. buffbrahmaboy

    Strange Cockerel

    This is the first time I've introduced new cockerels to a flock. Last April I purchased 26 day-olds and beat the odds. Eighteen pullets and eight cockerels. Five weeks ago I introduced the pullets to my existing flock with few problems. Shortly after that I selected and introduced two of the...
  7. buffbrahmaboy

    FOGHORN LEGHORN~ "Lookit here son, I say, I say son, did ya see that hawk after those hens? ....

    All threads concerning hawks and their control mention the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the maximum penalties imposed. The thing to remember is different areas of North America apply the act differently based on the perceived importance of the predator/chicken within a certain community. Some...
  8. buffbrahmaboy

    Again. With the hawk.

    Now you really got me interested, so I looked into the MBTA. My examination was cursory, but it's interesting that the lawmakers of the time treat migratory birds as human property that is deserving of protection only to the extent that they continue to serve human interests. One thing I...
  9. buffbrahmaboy

    Again. With the hawk.

    "There is no open season on Raptors, however Section 26(2) provides landowners with an exemption to hunt, take, trap, wound, of kill wildlife that is a menace to a domestic animal or bird at a time not within the open season (and a few other exemptions that are underlined above). It is my...
  10. buffbrahmaboy

    Again. With the hawk.

    Yesterday evening I found a dead hen inside my secure run. She was wedged under the ramp to the pop door. Two piles of feathers; one near the carcass. The head was missing and the neck stripped to the breast. I thought maybe a racoon or mink did the deed by pulling her head through the WWM, but...
  11. buffbrahmaboy

    Does anyone process and sell from the farm without getting harrassed by the government?

    A few years ago the British Columbia, Canada government passed some draconian laws which severely restricted small scale processing. This was likely due to influence from large scale, commercial processors since there is very little history here of problems with farm-gate sales. Note – these...
  12. buffbrahmaboy

    Confused Newbie with 2 main questions please.

    Your plastic pool brooder should work out fine, just don’t forget the red heat lamp and thermometer. I used the same type of setup with my batch of 26 day-olds. A valuable lesson: Line the bottom of your pool with old towels before you put the shavings in. I had a chick displace an Achilles...
  13. buffbrahmaboy

    cleaning the coop

    Do a search of "composting deep litter method". The 'bad' poop accumulates under the perches of the roost where it's dealt with much more frequently.
  14. buffbrahmaboy

    cleaning the coop

    I'm a newbe with 8 free range chickens. I'll scrub the coop and replace shavings every 12-18 months. The droppings pit gets mucked out every couple of months (I did it yesterday - half hour job). They poop in the coop twice as much during winter than they do during summer. I can handle up to 30...
  15. buffbrahmaboy

    Confused Newbie with 2 main questions please.

    A 10'x12' coop is a significant size and you have a lot of options to consider. It should be fun! My coop is a bit larger. Consider: How many birds do you eventually want to wind up with? Lots of posts here give good space-per-bird data. We designed for 30 hens total but currently only have...
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