Recent content by BurbChickensMA

  1. BurbChickensMA

    Coop Lovers: Put them Out?

    Its 75 degrees and sunny out. I don't ration food. I think I will put them out and shut the door.
  2. BurbChickensMA

    Where can I get baby chickens online?

    I just got 10 pullets from Murray McMurray. They have good deals if you are not picky about the breed. “Layer Variety Pack”. All arrived healthy and happy.
  3. BurbChickensMA

    Coop Lovers: Put them Out?

    New Chicken Mom. I have 10 pullets I guess to be 5-6 weeks old. They are fully feathered with head feathers. They have been in their coop since Friday and doing well. (55F) here at night so closed up nice and cozy. Yesterday I opened the run door and put them out. They stayed out. 3-4...
  4. BurbChickensMA

    New Run: Hardware Cloth Perimeter or Floor?

    I don’t think even a small bird could wiggle in. But they are amazing creatures so we will see
  5. BurbChickensMA

    New Run: Hardware Cloth Perimeter or Floor?

    This what we did. 2’ perimeter all around and left the run dirt. good idea. I have some pavers on hand and will see if they start fiddling with the apron. My coop is enclosed with cloth including the eaves so no one can fly out. Or hopefully get in.
  6. BurbChickensMA

    New Run: Hardware Cloth Perimeter or Floor?

    Yes. The reason is the ground is not level so we wanted to level the run. Since then we have put 2’ of 1/4 in hardware cloth all around the outside nailed to the coop edge. And a skirt of the same inside 6” to prevent digging
  7. BurbChickensMA

    New Run: Hardware Cloth Perimeter or Floor?

    Thanks both. Is 2’ the correct perimeter hardware cloth around or is that overkill and 1’ would be sufficient around the outside of the entire run? Then cover the perimeter wire with mulch or gravel?
  8. BurbChickensMA

    New Run: Hardware Cloth Perimeter or Floor?

    We are refitting a garden shed to become a chicken run. We built an 8’x10’ run attached to the shed that currently has a dirt floor. Question: to predator proof the run which is better 1) 24” hardware cloth around the perimeter buried under pea gravel 2) line the entire floor of the run...
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