Recent content by Bushman50

  1. Bushman50

    First Time Hatcing!

    Well the new family is getting along swimingly. The little chick that was being a bully has apparently been made to play nice with its nest mates and the mother hen has taken to them automatically. She's showing them how to scratch and peck and also how to drink out of the waterer. Just wish...
  2. Bushman50

    First Time Hatcing!

    Well I decided to take your advice and return the earliest hatched chicks to their mother. The final chick was pure yellow so it looks like all three eggs are from different hens than the one that hatched them. She was doing well with the little yellow chick today . It was even running around...
  3. Bushman50

    First Time Hatcing!

    I can definitely say I have learned a lot about raising chickens this year. I moved to a new home bought some chicks (before building a coop I might add!), eventually built a coop and graduated some of the "extra" Roos to the DFU (Deep Freezer University)! I can now say that I have another...
  4. Bushman50

    Help. What breed might this be??

    Lets see if I can remember he had Australorps, Rhode Island Reds, Araucana's Cochins, Delaware's and a few other breeds i'm sure. Now that I think of it your probably right that he's a mix. This farm was completely free range and the only chickens in a closed coop were the elderly roosters...
  5. Bushman50

    Help. What breed might this be??

    This is my Roo Blue. My wife loves him and he's the only rooster that's definitely not going in the freezer. The only problem is I don't have any idea what breed he might be. I got him during a bout of "chicken fever" as I like to call it. I went over board and was a victim of "Chicken...
  6. *This is my Roo my wife named Blue.  Does anyone know what breed he may be?

    *This is my Roo my wife named Blue. Does anyone know what breed he may be?

  7. My flock update.

    My flock update.

  8. Bushman50

    They are here, well mostly anyhow!

    Update Photo's..... I couldn't resist throwing them some snacks. I was moving some wood and these grubs and "tons" of earthworms were literally on top of the ground. You should have seen them scramble to be the first to get the worms! They are getting pretty big now, and sadly it...
  9. Bushman50

    They are here, well mostly anyhow!

    I've noticed that the chicks seem to spar now that they have all the extra room in their new brooder. They are constantly flying at each other . I guess they are attempting to set their "pecking order" . Oddly enough when they had less space they didn't do it at all.
  10. Bushman50

    They are here, well mostly anyhow!

    Well I finally built a larger brooder. Its 4x4x2 with a plexi glass window in the front and mesh hindged lid. I still haven't procured any more birds, but I have a feeling that will change soon. I found another farmer who sells mostly ornamental breeds, but he did say he has Jersey Giants...
  11. Bushman50

    They are here, well mostly anyhow!

    Okay people, I've finally taken the plunge and purchased my first chicks. I got some heritage birds from a hobby farm in my area. You will have to have patience with me because, in "our" (took family and let my wife pick most of them) picking frenzy I am a little fuzzy as to exactly what I got...
  12. Bushman50

    Chicken and Duck Combo Coop!

    Latest update! Okay It's almost "chicken time" by my watch. I've finally settled upon the size (16x12x8 coop) (24x16x6 attached run), this is gonna be split 75% chicken,25% duck. My uncle as declared that he will be getting Rhode Island Reds (not sure if they are heritage or production reds...
  13. Bushman50

    Chicken and Duck Combo Coop!

    Aww man that sounds great thanks. I think I will do just that!
  14. Bushman50

    Chicken and Duck Combo Coop!

    Well the chickens that I'd be keeping for my uncle would be part for the freezer partially for eggs. I'm guessing he's selected something like a Rhode Island Red or some other dual purpose bird. I too would love to (and mostly will) use poultry netting as my roof, its just that i've already...
  15. Bushman50

    Chicken and Duck Combo Coop!

    Okay I'm wondering about the plastic bird netting i've seen in TSC. I know its not as strong as wire, but can it be used as roof netting to my run. I'm still not sure of how big my coop and run will be , but it's looking like it will have to be large. My uncle wants me to raise two dozen...
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