Recent content by byron281

  1. byron281

    Ended 2022 Chicken Gift-Ideas Giveaway - Over $500 In Gifts Up To $35 Each!

    We've one for our house-mate's horses, so I only get to use it on the clean stuff, which it is great for, but I bet it would be WAY better for the yucky stuff than the straight-nosed shovel I usually use! And lighter, too :)
  2. byron281

    Ended 2022 Chicken Gift-Ideas Giveaway - Over $500 In Gifts Up To $35 Each!

    And the best thing is it's too big for the turkeys to spill :D
  3. byron281

    Ended 2022 Chicken Gift-Ideas Giveaway - Over $500 In Gifts Up To $35 Each!

    We have the 8 gallon version of this waterer: Works great, holds...
  4. byron281

    Lethargic cuckoo marans with wet messy vent

    I just looked up "tapeworms in chickens" and found the image below. That is not dissimilar to what it looked like before it sort of dried out. Would tapeworm result in the really messy vent?
  5. byron281

    Hello from Mendocino, California

    You're not missing much today ;) storming like the dickens -- glad I left the coop door closed instead of just the screen, otherwise I'd be coming home to cold, soggy birds!
  6. byron281

    Hello from Mendocino, California

    Thank all, for the welcoming wishes :D
  7. byron281

    Ended 2022 Chicken Gift-Ideas Giveaway - Over $500 In Gifts Up To $35 Each!

    Couldn't figure out how to get rid of the quoted text monikers when I replied, apologies! New at this. BUT, this chick waterer with adjustable legs is THE BEST...
  8. byron281

    Lethargic cuckoo marans with wet messy vent

    Thank you for the experienced opinion. She took an interest in preening after I got the worst of the mess off of her. Any advice on better ways to clean her if she can't get the rest of it off on her own? They get layer pellets mixed with either meat bird crumbles or all flock crumbles/pellets...
  9. byron281

    Lethargic cuckoo marans with wet messy vent

    6-7 month old cuckoo marans hen, began laying early this Nov. Seems to be in good condition so far, aside from some lethargy -- distinct today, but possibly started on Sunday. Last egg I am sure was hers was on 12/3 -- I believe she normally lays about every other day. I noticed today while...
  10. byron281

    Hello from Mendocino, California

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? This my first flock, chickens and turkeys, but the household we live with has had chickens as long as we've known them, kept turkeys and guineas in the past, and currently has a few ducks, which I believe is a new breed for them...
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