Recent content by Calen

  1. Calen

    Healthy Harvest feed from Walmart?

    I was just looking at this online, wondering the same thing. 🤔
  2. Calen

    Cochins not gaining weight/dying

    I had three blue and three splash Cochin babies. They are three months now. I have lost two of the blue Cochins and a splash is not looking very good today. I do not understand the problem? They all did well from the start. I lost a blue at about two months old. I realized it felt rather...
  3. Calen

    Comment by 'Calen' in item 'Black Sex Link chicken'

    The first time I bought BSL chickens, we got one with a white spot on its head because it was in with the hens. We didn't know it was a rooster for months when it started to stand more upright than the others. It did turn from black to a Barred Rock coloration. My BSL hens have a variety of...
  4. Calen


    I am not going to wash anymore. I only did it this one time because there was a huge thread on washing vs non-washing. It was really a tie on the number of people for and against so I decided that I would just try for myself to see how it worked out. I had a lot of questions regarding my...
  5. Calen


    I have two Polish right now that I am hoping are a male and female. There has been no crowing yet, but one has a more pronounced V shape to its head feathering so I am hoping it is a male. I bought the incubator for the Polish and Cochins that I more recently purchased. I also just bought...
  6. Calen


    My incubator restores temperature and humidity quickly, as well. So much so that my husband suggested I candle the eggs every day. I told him that I was trying not to because I am new to incubating, and I was following the advice of others, who have more experience than I do. I did experiment...
  7. Calen

    Fowl pox

    From the pics I have seen for fowl pox, that does not look like fowl pox. To me, it looks like insect bites. My chickens have had mites before, and it looked a lot like that. This year was the first year that we had mites on all of the hens in one coop. Some had more than the others. In...
  8. Calen


    People were talking about candling the eggs all the time, but you don't want to do that because it releases too much heat and moisture from the incubator so you should really only candle on certain dates. I do candle, but it is just not all the time. This was a huge effort on my part because I...
  9. Calen

    Comment by 'Calen' in article 'Cleaning and storing fresh eggs'

    We get more eggs than we can use so if the eggs are really dirty, I break them on the trees so the critters can eat them. I do give some eggs away, but I like to give the clean eggs away. I keep the in-betweens, lol. I keep my eggs on the counter until I have time to move them into cartons in...
  10. Calen

    Comment by 'Calen' in item 'Black Sex Link chicken'

    I have had Black Sex Links for 10 years. They do well in the hot weather of Central Georgia, and they are consistent egg layers. They are friendly birds, who do very well with my toddlers picking them up. :) I have kept them by themselves and with other breeds. One of the BSL hens was the...
  11. Calen

    Comprehensive list of poisonous plants and trees

    I don't know about cherry trees. I do have oak trees in the yard, and I have never had a problem with a chicken eating an acorn and dying. I can't say I have actually seen them eat one either. Three of my coops are under Chinaberry trees. I was very worried about this when I found out they...
  12. Calen


    I am new to incubating, and it took all I had in me not to candle them.
  13. Calen

    2 month old Turkey dead - think he hit his head on roost?

    My husband had a tarp up over the roosting area, not to keep predators out, but to block the sun while they are roosting. It was tied to the cage so a predator would have to rip it off to get to them. We are not too worried about predators because they are right next to a dog that is a serious...
  14. Calen

    2 month old Turkey dead - think he hit his head on roost?

    The neck didn't seem broken, but it was bent when I collected him so it was hard to tell. I felt it, but I couldn't feel anything obvious. I also thought that maybe he jumped up and banged the top of his head, but if he did that, there was no blood or obvious contusion. It is really odd. I...
  15. Calen

    2 month old Turkey dead - think he hit his head on roost?

    Hi. I have 4 two-month-old turkeys, standard bronze. They were in a hard bottom cage, and one started to hobble, has swollen feet now. I moved them over into a 10 x 10 chain link dog cage with a top on it so they could be on the ground. We put in a roost, across one of the corners, a little...
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