Recent content by calliope_sky

  1. calliope_sky

    Chick with Injured Eye

    UPDATE #2 Sadly, the little RIR passed away last night. Thanks everyone for your advice, help, and virtual hugs.
  2. calliope_sky

    Chick with Injured Eye

    UPDATE- Its Sunday night and our little RIR is not doing well at all. Although hubby was able to get her eye open, she's now every lethargic. I don't think she's going to make it. We've moved her into a cardboard box within the brooder-- it has bedding, water and food and is towards the warmer...
  3. calliope_sky

    Chick with Injured Eye

    Thank you, everyone, for the advice. DH went and got the saline solution and was able to get the eyelids apart. We didn't get the terramycin (couldn't find it) but the eye seems undamaged and is ok. Thanks again!
  4. calliope_sky

    Chick with Injured Eye

    Hi everyone. I am totally new to the whole chicken thing, so please bear with me. We got four chicks this week via mail order. We ordered 5, but one didn't survive. We're using a huge, high-sided aluminium tub as their pen for now, the heat lamp is mounted pretty high, there's a low branch...
  5. calliope_sky

    Anyone from New Jersey?

    Hey folks! Chicken noob here from Warren County (I know-- it's farm country and yet I'm new to this whole thing). My husband and I just got four sweet little chicks on Wednesday. We had ordered 5, but one didn't survive the journey. We've got an Australorp, a Rhode Island Red, a Wyandotte, and...
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