Recent content by Carla748

  1. Carla748

    The AMERAUCANA thread

    I just bought 2 lavender Amercauna pullets. Hatched on July 19 - 3 months old. The seller said they were sexed hens and she got them at one day old from crackle hatchery. I have a feeling the are boys. What do you think. I’ve only had them a couple days.
  2. Carla748

    How to tell Easter egger sex?

    I’ve rehomed the darker one today but waiting for the red one to crow to be sure. Some people say it looks like a hen
  3. Carla748

    How to tell Easter egger sex?

    Can you tell if these 8 week old EE sex?
  4. Carla748

    can anyone tell the diff from a polish hen to a rooster

    These are both hens - they are 10 months old and both have been laying. The reddish and black one try's to crow in the morning! I have no roosters
  5. Carla748

    Easter Eggers sex

    Here's another photo
  6. Carla748

    Easter Eggers sex

    These EE chicks are 2 1/2 months old. Can anyone tell me if they are pullets?
  7. Carla748

    can anyone tell the diff from a polish hen to a rooster

    I can't have roosters where I live and was able to find him a great home. He was the tamest of the three and liked being held.
  8. Carla748

    can anyone tell the diff from a polish hen to a rooster

    Update! I have two hens and one rooster. The black and white started crowing at 4 1/2 months
  9. Carla748

    can anyone tell the diff from a polish hen to a rooster

    No crowing yet! But they whine for treats every time I go outside.
  10. Carla748

    can anyone tell the diff from a polish hen to a rooster

    What do you think of the gold and black? She's really shy and very skiddish. Her top feathers are pretty wild.
  11. Carla748

    can anyone tell the diff from a polish hen to a rooster

    My chicks are 3 months old - any ideas on sexes? The gold laced is very timid and shy. The gray one is very out going. White and black seems very sweet and enjoys being held.
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