Recent content by carpe2day

  1. carpe2day

    Walnut shavings?

    I have a pile of wood chips that are from my wood chipper. I ran walnut, maple, forsythia and pine through it. I dumped a bunch of weeds on the pile planning to implement the power of the chicken to turn it. I'm nervous about the walnut chips. I cannot find anything definitive on the impact to...
  2. carpe2day

    Recommended textbook for poultry nutrition?

    Thank you, all!! I really appreciate your help!
  3. carpe2day

    I have a couple of quail questions!

    For the waterers... I have never tried nipple waterers for the quail because I'm in NY. I can't use them in the winter. (I use them in the warmer months for my chickens though.) I find it really easy to swap out the bottles. I can do this quickly from the outside of the cage. I find that quail...
  4. carpe2day

    I have a couple of quail questions!

    I have coturnix quail and I keep them on wire now. I tried 2 different pen setups and they did not work well. They were impossible to clean properly and they just leave their eggs everywhere. I've read many places to use 1/4" hardware cloth floor. This is too small for the droppings to pass...
  5. carpe2day

    Want to know nutritional value of feed

    I just started a thread asking for recommendations about a textbook for poultry nutrition! I don't see replies yet but I'm hopeful! My thread: I found a lot of information in the Storey's books and also...
  6. carpe2day

    Hello! I'm new

    Welcome to BYC!
  7. carpe2day

    Recommended textbook for poultry nutrition?

    I'm looking for the best book to learn about feeding poultry/poultry nutrition. I have the usual books for backyarders such as Storey's guide to chickens, ducks, etc.. and Harvey Ussery's Small-Scale Poultry Flock. I read Lisa Steel and The Chicken Chick. I'm looking for the types of books that...
  8. carpe2day

    Tough lettuce stalks OK?

    Hi all! I'm another chicken newbie looking for help. I have a lot of lettuce that has bolted in the garden. I keep the leaves for the family and slice the tough stems for the chickens. Is this OK to feed them daily? I haven't noticed any issues but I thought I should ask the experts since I'm...
  9. carpe2day

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    He is very handsome. I'm sorry it won't work out.
  10. carpe2day

    We need names

    The word "Chicken" Frango (Portugese) Pollo (Spanish) Poulet (French) Huhn (German) Kip (Dutch) Kuritsa (Russian) Kurczak (Polish) Kurka (Ukranian) ChaCha Sunshine Agnes Gladys Hazel Mabel Opal Pearly Myrtle Edith Kung Pao Sesame Marsala Rosemary Florentine Lemon Orange Honey
  11. carpe2day

    New Member

    I am a new member.I have just started my first flock. It is exciting but can be a little intimidating! My young flock consists of Black Sex Links, Red Sex Links and Buff Orpingtons. I would like to express my most sincere thanks to this community. I have learned so much from the knowledgeable...
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