Recent content by CatsvsDogs

  1. CatsvsDogs

    Second generation chicken tractor.

    Thought I would post some pics of the evolution of my tractors. First one. This is pictured without the wheels on it. Second one. We ended up not adding wheels on this one. He just pulls it with his quad. Third one. I designed this one so the wheels are in board and you use a winch to...
  2. CatsvsDogs

    Meaties 101

    Hey Big Red I would love to see your chart that you use for approximate daily food consumption for up to 8 weeks. I have kinda poked around the forums here but couldn't find anything.
  3. CatsvsDogs

    filthy broilers

    This is my first year of raising broilers. I butchered at the end of Oct. and started another round very shortly after. I will never raise broilers after Oct. ever again.
  4. CatsvsDogs

    was-Freedom Rangers arrived today! Now-weekly results

    If I may chime in on the FR thread. I too bought mine from Kendall and they all arrived in perfect health. I am 2 months in and I have not lost a single bird yet. At 8 weeks old I am getting an avg. weight of 4 1/4 pounds. I raised CX last round but I did not keep track of weights so I am not...
  5. CatsvsDogs

    HELP!! How cold is too cold for chicks?

    We had an arctic blast come through the NW last week and I had 25, 4week old Freedom Rangers outside the whole time. It got below 10 degrees several times. I had heat lamps going the whole time and it would be averaging 15-20 degrees in the coop through out the week. They all lived and are...
  6. CatsvsDogs

    Food caked in mouth

    Just to clarify I am in my first year of chicken raising both layers and meaties. I am on my second round of meaties and I am currently brooding 25 "Freedom Rangers". What I am noticing is that their food is getting caked in the roof of their mouths. I pulled a pretty big "plug" out of the...
  7. CatsvsDogs

    processing insights

    I have a question on those poultry shrink wrap bags. I am processing on Sunday and should have the bags by then. Do I let the birds "cool" down before wrapping them or can I just wrap?
  8. CatsvsDogs

    what kind of scale

    Quote: Yeah I second this. Needing something by Sunday.
  9. CatsvsDogs

    I want to setup and sell broilers in Gainesville, FL

    Quote: I will be butchering my first batch of 25 CX's on Sunday. I am selling 15 of the 25. I started with talking to close friends and relatives. I have a waiting list for when I start back up in the spring. I did run an ad on CL out of curiosity and got a sale. Sounds like you have somewhat...
  10. CatsvsDogs

    Broiler dead in the night, processing question.

    Quote: That is what I needed to hear. This will give me a chance to process my first chicken and feed to the cats. Cats eat it raw?
  11. CatsvsDogs

    Broiler dead in the night, processing question.

    Went out this morning and one of my broilers was dead. This is my first loss so far. It is possible that it has been dead for 10 hrs. Can I still eat it? I am new with the processing aspect and how long something can be dead and still eaten.
  12. CatsvsDogs

    Our mystery chick

    Well that is pretty funny. I have been debating whether to get a rooster to have the option to hatch eggs. Guess that's been decided.
  13. CatsvsDogs

    Our mystery chick

    We received our broiler chicks in the mail a few weeks ago from MC Murray. I had ordered 25 broilers and ended up with 27 and a unknown chick. All of them are doing real good. Was hoping I could get an ID on this little one:
  14. CatsvsDogs

    What size wire to use for the bottom of the run?

    do you have hardware cloth buried around the outside of the coop? I know some people use wire for the base of their runs but I feel my chickens may not be as happy with it. Personally I would start the predator proofing with burying wire and making sure your coop is secure and your ladies are...
  15. CatsvsDogs

    Newest coop creation

    Quote: Maybe you want to hire me to build you one??
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