Recent content by Cayuga Grammy

  1. Cayuga Grammy

    Proud Owners of cayuga ducks post your pictures here!!

    This is how our ducks slept for the first few weeks. It was very funny and adorable.
  2. Our 3 Cayugas (Helios, Sellene & Lucy) and Chaos in the paddock.

    Our 3 Cayugas (Helios, Sellene & Lucy) and Chaos in the paddock.

  3. Cayuga Grammy

    Can Ducks be Potty Trained??

    My daughter got her two Cayugas at 2 days old. We kept them in the house for the first 7 weeks. then put them outside in a 14x21 paddock we built with a 7x8 house. They are fantastic! They come when we call them. the ducks and our cat come when we whistle (like a dog). They walk all around our...
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