Recent content by cchaeuser

  1. cchaeuser

    Possum We Caught

    Yeah, Missy! I have caught three this year! Coon prints on my coop this morning too, but nothing in the havahart. I lock my birds up at night, so not worried there...........I have two geese to keep them at bay, just would like to catch the buggers, that's all.
  2. cchaeuser

    my babies

    here are some more photos.
  3. cchaeuser

    Okay what kind of geese are these

    Thanks for all of your input. I am now convinced that they are mutts of some type. Probably close to the mark with the African/Embden cross theory. The marks on the bills are in color only. No worries from a health stand point. Hey, what did I expect for 18 bucks for the four of them...
  4. cchaeuser

    my babies

    Just thought you might like my photos. I will take more tomorrow, there are 11 more in my new flock. Buff Polish, Laced Polish, and Americauna.
  5. cchaeuser

    Okay what kind of geese are these

    The guy that I bought them from says that they are 3 white embdens and a toulouse. The brown (toulouse???) has dark orange feet and a black bill. The embdens??? have spotted orange bills and are gray and white. Check out the pics. You can see the brown goose on the left and the bills as well.
  6. cchaeuser


    I have 3 white embden geese, 1 toulouse goose, a pair of cayuga ducks and a dozen chickens, all hens. They are about 13 months old and they sleep together at night in an 8 x 7 chickenwire enclosure which is attached to my chicken coop. They all free range together in my yard and are doing...
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