Recent content by Celtictrinity

  1. Celtictrinity


    Oh, and on wormer, I wouldn't think it would be safe to eat the eggs for a certain amount of time. How long? Thanks!
  2. Celtictrinity


    Hey everyone! So, to preface this series of questions, I'd like to point out that the chickens we have are for my daughter's 4-H project. There are 20 of them, all different breeds. I probably don't need to list all the breeds but some of the ones we have are EE's, SLW, Cochins, Brahmas...
  3. Celtictrinity

    The Wyandotte Thread

    Hey everyone! So tomorrow is the big day! Going to pick up our rooster from Christine at a show up in Stevenson, Washington. We are really excited but a little nervous too as this will be our first rooster. Here's the new pics she sent today: Apparently his siblings don't think he should...
  4. Celtictrinity

    The Wyandotte Thread

    Thanks! She is actually who I am getting a rooster from. =-) We will be meeting up with her on the 14th of October. I'm pretty excited about it! She gave me a rather detailed and wonderful review of our SLW and was really blown away that she was a hatchery bird. She's been watching her boys for...
  5. Celtictrinity

    The Wyandotte Thread

    Quote: So, it's been quite a while since I posted that in this thread but frankly, after the response I got, I decided that perhaps I should just stick to the shadows. However, since I -did- post it, I decided that a follow-up was in order. I contacted the APA soon after the fair and asked...
  6. Celtictrinity

    The Wyandotte Thread

    Hello everyone! I have a bit of a story and question regarding a female SLW my daughter has and I'm hoping someone can send me in the right direction! =-) We ordered 15 pullets from Ideal in February this year and received them in good condition. Didn't lose one. However, we bought them for...
  7. Celtictrinity

    post birds of "show quality" hatchery birds

    I'm almost afraid to post in this thread...=-) Although I'm hoping to have somewhat of a good story to tell you... We ordered 15 pullets from Ideal in February this year and received them in good condition. Didn't lose one. However, we bought them for my daughter's 4-H project because she...
  8. Celtictrinity

    Gender confusion in my brooder box....Help! (Pic Heavy) here's the situation. Between ordering through the mail and by process of 'chicken math' obtained chicks from two different private breeders, we ended up with 19 chicks total. All are supposed to be pullets. I've posted pics of my most suspect chick that I believe is a roo in another...
  9. Celtictrinity

    Is my name going to be Bailey or Loki?

    Hello again everyone! A few weeks ago, I posted pics of my little barred rock chick. It was supposed to be a pullet but I started thinking it might be a roo by the size of it's comb. Here s(he) is at 2 1/2 weeks old.... Now at around 5 1/2 weeks, this is what s(he) looks like... Since all...
  10. Celtictrinity

    5 day old Chick w/ attached umbilical cord?

    I wouldn't be too concerned. A few of my chicks had that as well this year. It looks like a little dried up thread, right? =-) It's the umbilical cord and after much researching and worrying about it, they vanished off my chicks. I did make sure to check in on the ones that had it and made sure...
  11. Celtictrinity

    Portable heat source for transportation

    Yep, yep! =-) I used those this year bringing babies home from Portland!
  12. Celtictrinity

    What breed is this little fuzzybutt

    I'm voting EE because I can see little tuffs on the cheeks AND the body coloration. I have three in my brooder at the moment. It's also the angle of the picture that hampers the view of the face. However, I agree that seeing the legs would solidify the matter. =-)
  13. Celtictrinity

    Red Bulbs - Fire Hazard! CHEAP Bulbs Not Pyrex

    The set up you describe is the same one that hundreds of people on this site use....with no problems. I wouldn't let isolated incidents worry you.
  14. Celtictrinity

    Red Bulbs - Fire Hazard! CHEAP Bulbs Not Pyrex

    Here's the thing.... You are going to find horror stories about every type of device that emits heat. That's just the way it is. If it has the potential to catch something on fire, it has at some point in time. I have a 250watt red bulb in my brooder at the moment and it's not given me one...
  15. Celtictrinity

    Chicks eating pine shavings in brooder---ok?

    I'm with the majority....pine shavings from the start. I'm not quite sure that the whole 'why take the chance' view holds water because you could say that about a lot of things in life...and chickens. If we are scared about every single little possibility that -could- occur, we'd go mad! =-)
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