Recent content by cfortier

  1. cfortier

    Chicken hatched duck what???

    I guess I may have to do that too. I dont want mommy chicken getting any skinnier. She's lost weight during this whole ordeal, and I dont think she's been off of the ducklings all day today. I guess I'll have to move her to the food for a bit but will wait until the husband gets home so he...
  2. cfortier

    Chicken hatched duck what???

    Thanks Monkeybean415. I think we may have to separate the momma chicken and the ducklings. The chicken house is up on tall legs - so it was off the ground and it has a ramp which is about 3' in length. I fear baby ducklings wont survive that fall, so i guess it may be best to put them in a...
  3. cfortier

    Chicken hatched duck what???

    Hi everyone. I'm so happy to announce that my Welsummer chicken just hatched 3 of my Welsh Harlequin duck eggs. The ducks are not very good sitters, but the chickens are. So we slipped some fertilized eggs under one of our chickens when she went broody, and now we have 3 baby ducklings...
  4. cfortier

    "Uninvited" guests.....

    Hi everyone. We have two different flocks in our yard. 7 Welsh Harlequin Ducks and 4 Welsummer Chickens. They are in their separate areas. Chickens in a covered pen so they can't fly away, and the ducks in an uncovered pen. We are getting a blizzard here today, and bad weather has brought...
  5. cfortier

    Using a Chicken to hatch Welsh Harlequin Duck eggs?

    Hi everyone, We have 7 Welsh Harlequin ducks. 2 males and 5 females. They are great ducks, but terrible egg sitters. I think they get distracted too easily. Regardless...we have 4 Welsummer hens and when they started to lay eggs last fall one of them became broody right away. I am...
  6. cfortier

    Broody Hen Thread!

    So I've been reading this thread with interest I have 4 Welsummer chickens and they just started laying eggs about a week ago Its supposedly not normal for them to go broody, but one did right away We don't have any roosters so theres no chance of them hatching Poor dear ..... Sitting...
  7. cfortier

    Ducks wont go in their house at night

    Hi everyone. I have 8 Welsh Harlequin ducks which I raised from 3 days old. 2 males and 6 females. They are now 7 months old. They have their own outside protected run area and used to go in their house every night when it got dark. For the past 5 nights, they will not go in their house...
  8. cfortier

    how much diatomateous earth should I use?

    I drink it because I had some intestinal parasites 3-1/2 years ago, in the form of a tapeworm. Needless to say without going into too much graphic detail, I was able to 'identify' it.... There are thousands upon thousands of intestinal type parasites, and we have tests for only several...
  9. cfortier

    how much diatomateous earth should I use?

    Hi there. You didn't mess up. As long as the Diatomaceous Earth is food grade can use it for any and all animals, poultry, livestock - even humans. I use it myself every day (in a glass of water) and drink it down and have done so for 3+ years. I use it for all my animals, dogs...
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