Recent content by ChaosDog

  1. ChaosDog

    My First Quail

    The hen that had bumblefoot was doing fine for a time, the swelling was going down and the feet were healing, but when I went to check on them this morning, she was lethargic, barely able to stand. I have my doubts that she's going to make it out of this, but I don't know what's caused it. Could...
  2. ChaosDog

    My First Quail

    The quail that I clipped her beak too short on is fine, she made a full recovery. Then a few days later, she somehow cracked the top of her beak, it bled a little, but not much. the following day, the piece broke off and she's going about her business. Okay I guess...? But now one of my other...
  3. ChaosDog

    My First Quail

    I was trimming the beak on my golden [scissorbeak..poor thing] and she jerked as I was cutting and cut too much... she started bleeding... a lot [for her size anyway..]. I tried to look up what to do, but nothing came up. we have some of that veterinary powder, but it didn't seem to help. She's...
  4. ChaosDog

    My First Quail

    I got my first egg today!!! I was cleaning the cage and took out the dustbath and it was in there :O!
  5. ChaosDog

    My First Quail

    After 6 weeks of having quail, I'm really enjoying them. Their little quirky behaviors are fun to watch. No eggs yet, but I don't really expect any for at least another two weeks. I am looking in to getting more housing before I order more eggs, but I absolutely will before incubating my own...
  6. ChaosDog

    My First Quail

    Oh good luck!! My first hatch was with speckled eggs as well, and there's not really much point in candling until right before lockdown, since it's so hard to see into them :c They're such cute and quirky little birds!
  7. ChaosDog

    My First Quail

    Yeah im sure these birds are around 2.5-3 weeks, not 4 weeks. I'd have been okay with that if he had told me, but he either lied, or didn't know his stuff.  It's honestly a relief because they were so much smaller. if they're only 2 weeks, then they'll get bigger.
  8. ChaosDog

    My First Quail

    Them in their section of the cage. [cappuccino box is temporary dust bath] Crooked beak on the golden Lower back feathers on the golden. [they all have this, even the one that may be a boy.]-- I want to restate that I just got them today, this is the condition I received them in. They...
  9. ChaosDog

    My First Quail

    Upon careful inspection, it looks like one of my four new birds may be a roo. Though at a glance he does look like a female, but when I was looking at him, I noticed definite rust coloring on his breast. Main reason I got hens was so I wouldn't have to incubate again right away, knowing males...
  10. ChaosDog

    My First Quail

    OOOOoh! Good luck!!! Hope you get many healthy babies!!
  11. ChaosDog

    My First Quail

    At 4 weeks old, my boy has started crowing! I wasn't expecting it for another week or two! It isn't particularly loud, and he doesn't do it very often. It did startle me though! Today I went to Orlando to pick up some more hens for him, so I could keep him happy without potentially causing...
  12. ChaosDog

    My First Quail

    Congratulations! -- You could take them out individually and put them in a separate box long enough just to get a head count? I made a premature judgement over here. One of the two turned out to be male [the smaller of the two] I was going to go to a small animal swap today, to see if anyone...
  13. ChaosDog

    My First Quail

    I would love to have more of them! but for just getting started, I think two is okay.... FOR NOW.
  14. ChaosDog

    My First Quail

    Day 12, both appear to have specked breasts. Two hens! Having only gotten two, that's the best outcome I could have hoped for! I will be getting more eggs or chicks, but I don't have to rush since there won't be any breeding competition.
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