Recent content by Charlie D

  1. C

    My Attempt at a Dual Purpose Heritage Flock

    I’ll take some more pictures of them in a group if I can. I ordered NH chickens so I’m assuming that’s what they are. When I googled red rangers I got a variety of red color combos. Not sure and don’t care. I’m butchering these ones because my plans changed. I weighed two of the ones I...
  2. C

    Rooster attacking other flock

    yes, they are 25weeks and the younger flock is 11. They’ve been all getting attacked since they were 7-8 weeks old.
  3. C

    Rooster attacking other flock

    I’m going to give it a couple more weeks and see how it works out. What you said does make sense. Thanks
  4. C

    Rooster attacking other flock

    Yes He’s been able to see them since they were 4 weeks old in the other run. He’s never shown aggression towards them until they started free ranging. I figured the first week it was a dominance thing but now he just won’t let them alone.
  5. C

    Rooster attacking other flock

    I’ve had them for 11 weeks in a separate coop and run. I’ve been letting them free range for the last 3 or 4 weeks and he constantly attacks all of them. None of the 11 week olds are mature yet either.
  6. C

    Rooster attacking other flock

    My rooster is attacking my other flock of hens, Roos, and bantams. The other flock is 11 weeks old and he’s been chasing them down and attacking them for the last three weeks. I feel if I wouldn’t intervene he’d kill them. I would understand him attacking Roos but he attacks bantams that are...
  7. C

    My Attempt at a Dual Purpose Heritage Flock

    I was rushed for time this morning but here are some pics I got. So today both the Delaware’s and New Hampshire’s are 9 weeks and 4 days. The one picture with my daughter holding them is a rooster and the other one the only hen we have.
  8. C

    My Attempt at a Dual Purpose Heritage Flock

    I think I kind of had the same idea. I ordered 8 NH and 9 Delawares from Art's Hatchery (Henry Noll line NH's) from Freedom Rangers on 7/14/21. Out of the 8 New Hampshires 7 were roos and out of the Delawares 5 were roos. So tonight they are 9 weeks and 2 days old. I decided to weigh a...
  9. C

    Water nipples cracking plastic buckets

    Lowe’s buckets and all were hand tightened. I didn’t even go back to the gasket the whole way. They didn’t leak from nipples, the leak was when the buckets cracked. I think it may be from being exposed in the sun possibly. Actually it could’ve been a lot of Variables I guess.
  10. C

    Water nipples cracking plastic buckets

    Thanks for the info. I'm a maintenance mechanic by trade and should've thought of tapping instead of just drilling a hole. The npt thread of the nipple may be creating way too much pressure on certain plastics with a non threaded hole. I've only experienced this with the 2 gallon buckets and...
  11. C

    Water nipples cracking plastic buckets

    I've been using horizontal water nipples for about 3 months now. I've read all instruction and even bought the 11/32 bit just to get it right. I haven't screwed them in all the way but just a little past where they don't drip. Then after about 3-4 weeks the buckets got little fractures and...
  12. C

    Every search led me here.... so I joined.

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Somewhat new, this is my second year. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 10 chickens with 15 more on the way. (3) What breeds do you have? Australorps, EE's, Golden Comets, and Deleware and New Hampshires on the way. (4)...
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