Recent content by charrwebb

  1. C


    i dont have either of those accounts to do that, he was open in his egg for like 24 hours, it took him a while to hatch and the humidity was quite high at that point. i dont have an incubator with vents, i just have one of the round ones with the lids, could i leave it open a little bit? temp in...
  2. C


    give water or no?
  3. C


    like when he breathes in and out it sounds like paper rustling, i did read somewhere it may be water on lungs i dunno? yeah when i woke up yesterday morning around 8am he was completely out of his egg, hes in the brooder, temp is about 27/28 at the moment
  4. C


    what shall i do? i been giving him water and mushed up food in a syringe, but he barely opens his mouth, i dont get it he was the last one of 4, he had been growing for the most days
  5. C


    his breathing is very slow and crackling, ive tried feeding him and giving him water but he is having none of it
  6. C


    thankyou for the welcome, im so worried about him
  7. C


    hes really limp and floppy now, not moving at all, really not chirping just laying lifeless but still breathing, i dont know what to do..
  8. C

    sick duckling

    hes just so lifeless
  9. C

    sick duckling

    Hello, one of my ducklings hatched yesterday morning, since then he has not moved much and is barely chirping, how can i help him?
  10. C


    he came out by himself, but now where his umbilical cord was is still red and open what shall i do?
  11. C


    i just pushed off the shell shed already cracked so her beak is clear and then ive refilled it with more warm water and has gone all misty and condensation again
  12. C


    my one yesterday was like that and i had to help her get out do you think i should do the same again?
  13. C


    temperature 37.9 and i dont know for humidity dont have one of those ones, only since this morning
  14. C


    Does this look shrink wrapped?
  15. C

    Shrink wrapped duckling help!?

    it did yeah i left it until it was all gone, shes doing okay now
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