Recent content by chasitypearl

  1. chasitypearl

    no eggs

    my hens were soing wonderful laying eggs than about 2 weeks ago they just stopped help any ideas why they would stop no molting going on
  2. chasitypearl


    i am worried about my big hens though plus i have a pretty big roo in there too what you think
  3. chasitypearl


    thats what i was hoping beacause they are almost to big for there hatchery as i call it
  4. chasitypearl


    i have 12 babies about 7 weeks old was wanting to put them in the big coop so they have more space does this sound okay
  5. chasitypearl

    hens mating hens

    i had to take my roo out of the coop for about a month he was way to ruff and i caught one of my hens mating the others and also when i put him back in she attacked him i mean she did the whole nine yards wing spread danced and around and made an awful noise so i seperated her because my roo is...
  6. chasitypearl

    EGG EATER!!!!

    i also have an egg eater she makes mo so mad i collect my eggs i a little bucket each day and just soon as i sat it down i caught her she ran right over to the bucket and cracked one open while i was standing there i scolded her than grabbed the rest of the eggs naughty girl i was thinking of...
  7. chasitypearl

    Look what I hatched!!!! Hey MSBEAR...... I got one!!!!

    hes very handsome i love rooster all though i know you cant have but a few they all are so pretty congarts
  8. chasitypearl

    "Lost" Two Chickens Last Night

    glad you found your girls
  9. chasitypearl

    3 Little Chicks

    hi they are so cute i would love to have some bantam chicks i got three but they were grown when i got them
  10. chasitypearl

    what sex am i

    huh what do you mean not a red sex link
  11. chasitypearl

    my new polish hens!!!

    i love the buff laced polish i just me a pair sat i love them yours are petty i posted photos of my under my newest pretty boy take a look if you want
  12. chasitypearl

    what sex am i

    i hope for a hen ill just have to wait and see i quess
  13. chasitypearl

    what sex am i

    yeah i thought it may be a he thanks
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