Recent content by cherylluz

  1. cherylluz

    Daughter broke up with boyfriend and I'm the one depressed!

    Dear coffeeluvr, Don't dismay too much - all mothers from this post have had very similar feelings/reactions to this situation. I was in my daughter's room yesterday to water her plant, as she's away for a few days. I noticed she had a pile of those mini-polaroid pictures sitting on her desk...
  2. cherylluz

    Daughter broke up with boyfriend and I'm the one depressed!

    Dear Mummahuds, Here's a link to the YouTube trailer for the movie "Adam." I think you'd really enjoy seeing it - it's wonderfully acted and anyone who has a child with Asperger's Syndrome can relate :-). Congrats on your daughter for getting her driver's license (7th time's a charm -...
  3. cherylluz

    Daughter broke up with boyfriend and I'm the one depressed!

    Hi Connie1966, Yes, it's very difficult, I know. It might be better that you don't have a picture though. I have a lot of pics of my daughter and her ex from their time together, and every time I see one, I feel so sad and get a sinking feeling. I've tried to put all pics of them out of my...
  4. cherylluz

    Daughter broke up with boyfriend and I'm the one depressed!

    Dear Mummahuds, Yes, my daughter with AS and her boyfriend (also with AS) get along most of the time, but they do have "heated" discussions about things from time to time. One thing in particular is that my AS daughter has terrible executive functioning skills (ie., she's always running late...
  5. cherylluz

    Daughter broke up with boyfriend and I'm the one depressed!

    Dear whensitover, Yes, I felt the same exact way as you - heartbroken. I thought my daughter was happy in the relationship, so when she ended it, it was kind of a shock to me. He had become like the son I never had, and I thought that they were perfect together (as did others). I'll admit...
  6. cherylluz

    Daughter broke up with boyfriend and I'm the one depressed!

    Hi catsndogs! I hear you about being in a Lifetime movie - LOL! It has been very therapeutic for me to read all the posts of other moms experiencing this same issue. I really did think I was going crazy and that I was the only one who had these kind of feelings. I was way too embarrassed...
  7. cherylluz

    Daughter broke up with boyfriend and I'm the one depressed!

    Hi Mummahuds! I guess we can all go crazy together - lol! One of my daughters has Asperger's Syndrome too. She's been with the same boyfriend (who also has AS) for 5 years now and they are so good together. I pray they don't breakup - crying over my other daughter's ex-boyfriend is taking a...
  8. cherylluz

    Daughter broke up with boyfriend and I'm the one depressed!

    Hi BLBNKER, Thanks so much for your post and helpful advice. I do have a way of worrying about things before they happen and getting all worked up and anxious about it. Taking things day by day and not perseverate on things that are yet to come. I also have begun taking my antidepressants...
  9. cherylluz

    Daughter broke up with boyfriend and I'm the one depressed!

    Hello! I know your post is several years old and I hope everything is going much better for both you and your daughter. I came across your post due to my own depressed feelings about my daughter recently breaking it off with her boyfriend of 3 years. I had also "incorporated" her boyfriend...
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