Recent content by Chick-N-Antics

  1. Chick-N-Antics

    My Girls 7

    My 'List' of Girls Evelina - Buff Orpinton Hortense- Buff Orpinton Marie - Silver Dorking Antoinette - Silver...
  2. Chick-N-Antics

    Chick N Anticss Member Page

    Hello, My name is Diana. My husband, John and I are from Central Michigan and we have been raising chickens now for about two years. We love all of our girls and plan to continue raising them in the future. We keep about nine different breeds currently but are always looking ahead at which...
  3. Chick-N-Antics

    Dog Attack! One hen with a pretty bad wound...

    Oh yeah, they normally are in a fenced in run during the day and do not come out unless I'm home. It just so happened I was home with a bad cold... They didn't seem real interested in coming out this morning so I left them inside their coop.
  4. Chick-N-Antics

    Dog Attack! One hen with a pretty bad wound...

    I am so anxious to get home that I'm just beside myself. Infection is my biggest concern. I will try flushing the wound out and putting the anitbiotic ointment...though I'm hoping she doesn't try to eat it. I've managed to keep all my birds alive for three years, from just hatched little...
  5. Chick-N-Antics

    Dog Attack! One hen with a pretty bad wound...

    Hello everyone, My flock has been reduced by a third. I didn't see the dog myself but my neighbor and landlord said he spotted a strange dog in the neighborhood. I was home when the attack happened although I didn't see it...just the damage afterwards. I found four dead hens, a wounded hen...
  6. Chick-N-Antics

    Dispatched momma coon and three kits, but feeling bad about it.

    Quote: Sorry, I did see this but wasn't sure who it was directed at. The adults were just coming in through the front door, while I was in there during the early evening. The first time I found one I wasn't paying any attention and was doing my thing within inches of her and she had no fear...
  7. Chick-N-Antics

    Dispatched momma coon and three kits, but feeling bad about it.

    Quote: You don't need a license to shoot pests or vermin here, even wild/ferral pigs you can shoot 'at will' and are even encouraged to do so here in Michigan (when it can be done safely) because they are such a damaging problem. I did check w/our Dept. of Natural Resources before I picked up...
  8. Chick-N-Antics

    Dispatched momma coon and three kits, but feeling bad about it.

    I did get the large racoon the next night. I feel better knowing that I did 'finish' the job, but not that I had to put a family of racoons down like that. At the same time too, I realize that this is going to be an on-going battle. I spoke to a neighbor a couple houses down yesterday, he and...
  9. Chick-N-Antics

    My hen is crowing! And it sounds terrible...

    Oh they grow spurs too?
  10. Chick-N-Antics

    My hen is crowing! And it sounds terrible...

    So, I had roos for awhile but had to get rid of them because they were trying to kill each other. It's been a couple months and this morning I woke up to crowing coming from my coop. I have been sleeping with the air conditioner on that last several weekds and didn't last night because I was...
  11. Chick-N-Antics

    Iv got the racoon blues!!! Help! *UPDATE* caught the coon! W/ PIC

    Quote: I've lived in the country for three years now and had chickens for two, I had never seen a racoon on or near my property in all that time, until about two weeks ago when I went to put my girls to bed and walked in on a racoon helping themselves. I nearly fell over because it was less...
  12. Chick-N-Antics

    Are most Polish roosters mean????

    Quote: I never thought about cutting the feathers back! OMG, this would probably fix some of his quirkiness. [Insert sheepish grin]
  13. Chick-N-Antics

    Are most Polish roosters mean????

    I have a silver polish crested roo, we named Speedbump. He was the smallest chick we had and seemed to be forever the last chicken to do anything. When he finally found his stride he was great, a little skittish (always running the other way when we throw treats down) but docile when we handle...
  14. Chick-N-Antics

    Dispatched momma coon and three kits, but feeling bad about it.

    Quote: I hope so too, its so much better not to have to deal with it than have to but such is of luck to you.
  15. Chick-N-Antics

    Dispatched momma coon and three kits, but feeling bad about it.

    I want to thank everyone who posted with positive support. I know that this may be something that I will continue to deal with as many of us are and I will certainly take into consideration all the suggestions that were mentioned in making those adjustments necessary to keeping my girls safe...
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