Recent content by chickan dippaaaaz

  1. chickan dippaaaaz

    American serama thread!

    question.... Ive done a bit of reading but havent gottne a difinitive answer... which colors are accepted? Ive seen a bunch here in SoCal recently that are pretty pathetic.Id rather not invest into a bunch of mutts that I'll never be able to show.
  2. chickan dippaaaaz

    Republican Debate?

    Quote: Stickied at the top of this section. everyone here was fine until you decided to throw the turn in the punchbowl. There is nothing about this that is not "family friendly". Whats next, are you going to say that government should be taken out of schools? If this post was in a...
  3. chickan dippaaaaz

    Ever heard of this?

    the one about fans is totally true....
  4. chickan dippaaaaz

    Real men

    this is what Id buy my wife.... You're welcome! no problems starting this one...
  5. chickan dippaaaaz

    Unexpected visitors...Like, or don't like?

    Debi.... visitors are visitors..... I would treat them the same as if they were my kids friends.... knock knock... Me (IF i choose to actually answer the door) : We're eating dinner, come back in 45 minutes... (close door) I also dont answer the phone during dinner... If its important...
  6. chickan dippaaaaz

    my mom decided to kill my chickies

    Unless youre going to quit eating meat, its better to know where your meat comes from. while I havent started processing my own YET, I plan on it soon. You can feel good that you gave these animals a quality life unlike the regular store bought meat.
  7. chickan dippaaaaz

    Getting bored of one type of animal?

    How about an Opossum?
  8. chickan dippaaaaz

    Save me from Little League parents

    you dont need to put up with that... If you continue the discussion you are allowing it to continue. After a quick explanation from you it should end. This comes from years of coaching
  9. chickan dippaaaaz

    Don't sick and/or get accident if you don't have money

    Quote: I have actually spent time overseas and talked to real people about their healthcare system.... also a bunch of folks in Canada as well.... lets put is this way... They come to the U.S. for a reason. good luck getting carpel tunnel surgery with that kind of system....not going to happen
  10. chickan dippaaaaz

    I know I am not supposed to, but.....

    Quote: um... what? The funny thing (read sad and pathetic) about racist's are that they dont realize that they're racist, or didnt mean to let the racist comment slip.... but hey.... at least you later called them the "help" instead.... there's still hope!
  11. chickan dippaaaaz

    Don't sick and/or get accident if you don't have money

    Quote: We have the best medical in the world is what was added system. Im not going to get into people choice on how the obtain medical coverage In our country he have the BEST care that one can get, and EVERYONE has access to it. How many other countries can say that?
  12. chickan dippaaaaz

    Is it crazy to barter eggs for...

    Quote: thats how things have been done for ages! This is a win win!
  13. chickan dippaaaaz

    Don't sick and/or get accident if you don't have money

    Quote: how about a chicken in every pot!?... wait... um...nevermind
  14. chickan dippaaaaz

    I've quit smoking

    awesome! keep it up.... I have fallen off the wagon myself a few times...
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