Recent content by Chicken crossing the road

  1. Chicken crossing the road

    Chicken sitting a lot in nest box

    Thanks !! Update.... yes i know:) She has been out in the run all day!!! Yay! Must be hard to lay an egg in this hot weather, I’m getting a lot of false alarms. My other buff who takes forever to lay an egg was in the box panting away/ no egg ( I thought I had another one.)she’s out now!!! I ‘ve...
  2. Chicken crossing the road

    Chicken sitting a lot in nest box

    3 full days today I let Babe out. when I open the cage she didn’t come right out, it took the others going in to bring her out, and a hand full of scratch :) She ate the scratch and then went to the bathing area to have a bath (they do love a good roll in the dust) Hopefully this did the trick...
  3. Chicken crossing the road

    Chicken sitting a lot in nest box

    I’ll keep you posted ..... She was doing this ( nesting) for a couple days so I’m guessing at least a few days in the cage? How many days after she’s broken before eggs resume? Will she be prone to repeat, I wonder.
  4. Chicken crossing the road

    Chicken sitting a lot in nest box

    Thank again, I switched her location out to the run. She was just trying to find a way out but now is cleaning herself, happy to be with the gang till night fall. I can leave her out there its safe but she will attract attention, I might just slide a piece of plywood bewteeen cage and run wall...
  5. Chicken crossing the road

    I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!

    My Buff’s lay larger egg than my Wyandotte’s The BO’s are light brown, the Wyandotte’s are darker and have a pointy end or say cone shape. I also have a PBR which is about as dark as the Wyandotte’s but as big as the BO’s One of my six started to lay a good month before the others, they will...
  6. Chicken crossing the road

    Chicken sitting a lot in nest box

    Ok thank you! I don’t have any secure outside arrangements right now. Be nice if I had something just outside the run that is safe. We have lots of foxes coyotes etc.
  7. Chicken crossing the road

    Chicken sitting a lot in nest box

    I went ahead and built a broody breaker 24’x 19” x20” mesh bottom I put her in it today late time enough for her to see where she is ( which is in the store room , near the meshed entry door, so a nice breeze. For tonight anyway. She could see the others roosting which I think gave her comfort...
  8. Chicken crossing the road

    Chicken sitting a lot in nest box

    Ok thanks She not really in the coop but store room in the same building,but she’d probably still know the boxes are on the other side of the wall. Plan B, I guess. So it would be fine if she is left outside for the night then?, Without the others.
  9. Chicken crossing the road

    Chicken sitting a lot in nest box

    Thanks for the input! Can the cage be a plastic netting sides and bottom 1/2” square ? Its what I have already on the cage I made earlier. The only place I have handy would be in the coop, she would see the coming and goings of the flock and not really be able to see the nest boxes. She’d be...
  10. Chicken crossing the road

    Chicken sitting a lot in nest box

    She’s the low gal on the totem pole, but they ( four others) have been together from day one. I don’t see that much fighting or picking, a bird just above her in rank does sometimes jump on her back to show dominance and it has damaged some feathers on the wing. They have all day access to food...
  11. Chicken crossing the road

    Chicken sitting a lot in nest box

    Well I’m not sure about broody? I did consider broody but I’m pretty new to this so I’m not sure what to look for. Not really flattening out or making to much fuss when I remove her. She just sits with her head hanging out the front , looking bored. My other buff takes her time laying and makes...
  12. Chicken crossing the road

    Chicken sitting a lot in nest box

    so I have a 1.3 yr old buff O., that’s being spending the day in the box . Second day today. She’s alert, drinks and eats. I checked her over her vent is open and she pooped when I got her out for a check over after she went out for a bit (she ate a little and drank water) , she returned to the...
  13. Chicken crossing the road

    How to maintain dirt floors in open air run

    Covered run? I use deep litter with a covered run, it’s been working well. I also use straw but in small amounts ( it smells nice). Sand as base covering hardware cloth laid down over loose rocks ( no drainage problems) for my set up , leaves, lots of bark mulch, grass clippings not too...
  14. Chicken crossing the road

    Quick unexpected death

    So a few weeks ago I had a bird just up and die, I guess it comes with the territory. She was fine the morning of, picking around looking herself. She was the bird who had all the problems , pasty butt , bad feet , etc. Anyway shortly after ( maybe a week ,we usually have close to two dozen...
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