Recent content by Chicken Unboxing

  1. Chicken Unboxing

    Chicken drawing - Let me draw your chicken!

    Alright here you go! I think this might be my last one. It was really fun drawing all your chickens and ducks! Thanks!
  2. Chicken Unboxing

    Chicken drawing - Let me draw your chicken!

    Here they are! Absolutely adorable is your nigel and velvet.
  3. Chicken Unboxing

    Chicken drawing - Let me draw your chicken!

    I'll be right wih y'all!
  4. Chicken Unboxing

    Official BYC Poll: How Do You Keep Flies Out Of Your Coop?

    Literal two. I might say one since they're bantams, but the force of chicken math is undeniable...
  5. Chicken Unboxing

    Official BYC Poll: How Do You Keep Flies Out Of Your Coop?

    I've only got two chickens. That might explain...
  6. Chicken Unboxing

    Chicken drawing - Let me draw your chicken!

    All four of 'em!!!! They all have marvelous names.
  7. Chicken Unboxing

    Chicken drawing - Let me draw your chicken!

    I apologize deeply! I didn't get a notification for this post, of course I can draw your wonderful duck! I can draw about all animals, I just put in a common one. Here they are! The cute and... the starer... :rolleyes:
  8. Chicken Unboxing

    Hen or rooster? Age unknown.

    yowzers not again...
  9. Chicken Unboxing

    Hen or rooster? Age unknown.

    I'll keep it quick and short, is our little baby a hen or a rooster? We got her a few days/weeks ago to replace our rooster, since we can't have any of those. She doesn't crow, for now, but we don't know how old she is. She still peeps. Our other hen pecks her from time to time too. Any ideas...
  10. Chicken Unboxing

    Chicken laying shell-less eggs?

    I am so sorry. She sounds like a very special hen. It's not your fault... It's those brainless foxes! :rant
  11. Chicken Unboxing

    Chicken laying shell-less eggs?

    Thanks so much for the advice, as I took a second look at my bag, I realized that it wasn't chicken feed... it was scratch. So I bought purina layena at my local farm supply and my hen is laying normal eggs. It made me so happy when I found my first one. As for the trip, I live in a town kind of...
  12. Chicken Unboxing

    Chicken drawing - Let me draw your chicken!

    here you are madam! Terribly sorry for responding late. Just recently checked my notifications. Ivory is such a beautiful little silkie.
  13. Chicken Unboxing

    Chicken drawing - Let me draw your chicken!

    For anyone else that would respond, I'm going to hit the hay, it's really late right now... but I'll continue tomorrow! I'll think up some dynamic poses and maybe color for once.
  14. Chicken Unboxing

    Chicken drawing - Let me draw your chicken!

    Here they are! I tried Nell and Hollis. Beautiful names. Sorry I took a bit long, a bit of storage problems...
  15. Chicken Unboxing

    Chicken drawing - Let me draw your chicken!

    Oh and I almost forgot! Feel free to post beautiful pictures of your chickens and I'll give them a go!
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