Recent content by chickencorner

  1. chickencorner


    Our flock/s have now increased to 18.. They are all doing fine, but we have to build another coop for the 6 bantams we inherited from our son.
  2. chickencorner

    When do chickens start laying eggs?

    We went out to check our "chicklets" and right out in the run, there is a small dark brown egg. Our chicklets are 14 weeks old. That seems pretty young though! Nevertheless, we were sooOo excited! We have 2 Buffs, 5 red stars and 2 yellow stars.
  3. chickencorner


    Hello! I'm from northeast of McGregor, MN.
  4. chickencorner


    McGregor here, formerly of Lindstrom, MN And this is our FIRST attempt at chickens - only have 3 right now :)
  5. chickencorner

    Egg Cartons

    We asked at our favorite breakfast restaurant and they are saving cartons for us.
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