Recent content by chickendale1

  1. chickendale1

    Egg eating hen

    One of my hens, not sure which one , has developed a taste for eggs. Everyday at least one egg has been pecked at and occasionally one will will be eaten. All my hens lay in the same spot and take turns laying. Any ideas ?
  2. chickendale1

    How many nesting boxes are suitable for this amount of birds?

    My hens take turns when they lay. I originally had deviders in the nest box but they would all use the same one, so I removed them. Now they all lay in the same spot and take turns.
  3. chickendale1

    Finally, more eggs

    Finally after about 7 months, my amaricauna started to lay again.She is named Hoodie, her sisters are Spots,a Barred Rock and Vanilla, a Buff Orphington. I only mention there names because I tell my dauther that they started to lay again when I started to call them soup,pot-pie and stroganoff...
  4. chickendale1

    No egs

    I believe the buff is molting,but I am not so sure yet about the rock. I will have to keep a better eye on them. The weather here in Sacramento has been all over the place, I think maybe that could be part of it. I run a fan inside the hen house when it gets hot. I need to go turn it off. thanks...
  5. chickendale1

    feeding sprouts, grass alternative?

    My girls love crickets. I alsofeed them the accasional snail that I find aroun the yard { I no longer spread snail poison}.I also sometimes dig up worms from the garden for a treat.
  6. chickendale1

    No egs

    I have thre hens, a buff, barred rock and americana. Al are 1.5 yrs. old and they were all laying regularly until maybe a month ago. I get an egg from the americana pretty much everyday the rock about once a week but the buff has'nt layed for maybe a month. They all eat the same thing, hen...
  7. chickendale1

    Shelless egg

    One of my chickens laid an egg yesterday without a shell. The egg looked like a tube with the yolk next to it. Does anyone have any information. I have had a lot of chickens and have never seen this before. Please help. Thank you.
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