Recent content by Chickenistamama

  1. Chickenistamama

    Chickens, not ducks!

    I'm a new chicken owner in Los Angeles. I have a RI Red, a Barred Rock and two Americana's. they are older chickens and good layers. My question is...Do I need to be concerned with the cold and the rain we are having right now? I just went out to check on them and they are all in the roost...
  2. Chickenistamama

    Can I feed a can of red kidney beans to my chickens?

    Azygous, thank you for you good information. I'm going online to see if I can find something better for my girls. I have never heard of fermenting but I'm looking it up. Thank you, thank you!
  3. Chickenistamama

    Can I feed a can of red kidney beans to my chickens?

    My girls won't eat the Laying Mash or the Laying Pellets. I have tried on the ground and and in a hanging feeder. I am going to try the beans and rice idea from GardenWeasel. Thanks. I'll advise on the farts!!
  4. Chickenistamama

    New member and new mom to 5 hens

    Thank you very much!
  5. Chickenistamama

    New member and new mom to 5 hens

    I'm not sure how much mash I should be feeding my flock of five? I have been giving them scraps and they free range in our yard. I'm just not sure how much mash to feed them in the morning and at night. HELP? Thank you for any help I can get.
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