Recent content by chickenlovex3

  1. chickenlovex3

    Need some info. Hens not laying.

    I have the same problem.i have 1 americanua homhas been laying for morenthan a month, and one has not started laying yet. They both haventhe same bday.
  2. chickenlovex3

    BYC Themed Last Letter Game!!!

    Northern California Poulet Bleu
  3. chickenlovex3


    it depends on the chicken.i have one chicken who used to put herself to bed every night, but after she lost her sisters, she waits on our back door step every night and pecks the window, signaling to us she wants to be put to bed. our other 2 chickens either wait on the air conditioning fan...
  4. chickenlovex3

    keeping water from freezing

    they sell water heaters for the winter, you can also put hot water (but not to hot!) in the waterer. check on the water every so often too
  5. chickenlovex3

    The Have You Ever Game!

    i dont think so. have you ever seen a chicken lay an egg?
  6. chickenlovex3

    pecking order

    the pecking order is like a clique. theres the alpha chicken, whos the boss of the other chickens and can be mean to the other chickens. then theres the other members of the cliqe who "worrship" the alpha. and then theres the nerdy loser who the alpha chicken is mean to.
  7. chickenlovex3

    Chicken Costumes - Share your pictures!

    i love the (cheereleader???) chicken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. chickenlovex3

    Chicken Costumes - Share your pictures!

    u know the chick fila commercials that have the cow with the eat mor chikin sign? what about a chicken with a eat mor beef/steak sign?
  9. chickenlovex3

    Comment by 'chickenlovex3' in article 'Chicken Math Got Me'

    3 bought- 1 carried away y a hawk+2 bought-3 stolen by a fox/raccoon+2 bought-1 ran away+1 who ran away found=3 chickens
  10. chickenlovex3

    Chicken Costumes - Share your pictures!

    my chicken needs a halloween coustume! any ideas? reply to [email protected]
  11. chickenlovex3

    Largest eggs ever!

    that is huge1 ive never seen an egg so big!
  12. chickenlovex3

    Are these chicks too small to go outside yet?

    we had our chicks inside for about 2 months, and still had a heat lamp in our coop for another week.
  13. chickenlovex3

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    "here are the lysol wipes, now go clean up that chicken poop." "did anyone lock up the girlies?" "ew, i just stepped in chicken poop!" "get that retarded chicken out of the house!"
  14. chickenlovex3

    Eggs without shells during molting?

    buy oyster shells to put in your regular chicken food. the oyster shells will give her some extra calcium. you can buy it wherever you buy your chicken supplies. i had this problem about a month ago and now my hen is fine. also make sure she has plenty of food and water
  15. chickenlovex3

    What do I do with all the chicken poo?

    we use our chicken poop as fertilizer for our lawn and garden. we do have to hose down our patio occasionally though
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