Recent content by chickens4pets

  1. chickens4pets

    What Breed is this?

    Hmmmm.... 0-2 on this purchase the other chick we bought was supposed to be a SLW and it ended up being a Speckled Sussex. Nonetheless, they'll both be loved.
  2. chickens4pets

    What Breed is this?

    She was supposed to be a GLW, but I don't recall any of my other Wyandottes with feathered legs!
  3. chickens4pets

    Looking for BLRW's in Utah

    If you have any please send me a pm. Thanks!
  4. chickens4pets

    Need help chick currently zipping question!! Updated with pictures.

    Here's a few pictures, not real good, but does this help? Does it look normal?
  5. chickens4pets

    Need help chick currently zipping question!! Updated with pictures.

    I'm not sure what to do, I need some advice. I have one egg that started to pip yesterday afternoon. I've been checking on it all last night. Early in the morning around 3am still only a pip. This morning minutes ago I checked it and it's zipped 3/4 around the egg. The question
  6. chickens4pets

    Older 1588 Model, anyone have one, and instructions? 4 years old

    I've called them twice on two different issues, and their tech support line is closed for some reason so they recommend talking to an knowledgeable operator. The operators aren't familiar with the older 1588, and they don't seem interested to help much further. I'd think the company would...
  7. chickens4pets

    Older 1588 Model, anyone have one, and instructions? 4 years old

    I bought a used 1588 and it came without instructions. I've turned it and let it run for a couple of days and and the temp is stable at 98. I'm not sure how to get the temp up. I want to make sure it's set to factory settings 100 degrees. I looked online at GQF and their instructions for the...
  8. chickens4pets

    1588 Genesis Power Supply Question..Help!

    Those specs are pretty close to what I have. I plugged it in tonight and it's been on for about 2 hours and appears to be fine. Thank you for your quick response!
  9. chickens4pets

    1588 Genesis Power Supply Question..Help!

    Sorry about my first post being a desperation plea for help. I just purchased a used 1588 Genesis Hova Bator. When I originally picked it up I didn't notice it was missing the power supply. I just picked up a power supply that the seller "believes" is the correct supply. It was used once...
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