Recent content by chickmanna

  1. chickmanna

    Sex links??

    Thanks Tim. Will the chicks be black with only color on the faces or more chipmunky?
  2. chickmanna

    Sex links??

    I have eggs in the incubator from the following crosses - Barnevelder Roo with Silver Penciled Rock hen and Silver Laced Wyandotte hen. The Barnevelder hens have stopped laying for the winter, so just checking out the young Roo for fertility. Will the chicks from the Wyandotte all have rose...
  3. chickmanna

    8 Str-Run Silver Penciled Rocks, Battle Ground, WA - Local PickUp Only

    These eight little cuties were hatched on 3/21. I can't keep all of them, so 8 must go. These are Straight Run, for local pick-up only. Must take all eight. Shown in group photo with 8 Buckeye chicks also for sale in a separate ad.
  4. chickmanna

    8 Buckeye chicks, Str. Run, Battle Ground, WA - Local PickUp Only

    These eight little cuties were hatched on 3/21. I can't keep all of them, so 8 must go. These are Straight Run, for local pick-up only. Must take all eight. Shown in group photo with Silver-penciled Rocks also for sale in a separate ad.
  5. chickmanna

    Newbie with babies... Is this right?

    Lots of breeds have a red color, pullet just means "girl". They are not necessarily the same breed.
  6. chickmanna

    breed of black chick

    Looks like it could be a Black Australorp.
  7. chickmanna

    Is this Roo a Wyandotte?

    Based on the Rose comb, I think Wyandotte, too.
  8. chickmanna

    Battle Ground, WA - Several Cockerel hatched 1/20/12

    Wish I could, but I can't keep these boys. Hatched on 1/20/12 so I guess they're actually 9 weeks old. I have one each Buff Brahma, Black Australorp, Blue-Laced Red Wyandotte (he's blue) and an Easter Egger. Please PM me if you are interested in one or more. Annie
  9. chickmanna

    what went wrong (graphic picture)

    That's why I mentioned that I don't agree with everything in that link. Every live egg I have ever floated at lockdown has shown definite jerky movement (not to be confused with gently moving because the water moves). Eggs that have made it to the day 15/16 range or beyond, but subsequently...
  10. chickmanna

    Virgin Hatcher on Day 19

    The chicks will pip internally before they pip the outside shell. Once they pip into the air sac and start breathing air you will begin to hear chirping, even before you see any visual signs of pipping. Have fun!!
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