Recent content by chickmomma5683

  1. chickmomma5683

    Thing hanging from newly hatched chick, looks like a worm

    Thank you for the information, I appreciate it. My husband is offshore right now so I'm not sure what I'll do, I don't have the guts to do either and he doesn't get home until tomorrow night so I'll have to man up and do one of the two. Thanks.
  2. chickmomma5683

    Thing hanging from newly hatched chick, looks like a worm

    I just hatched my 4th batch of chicks this morning and there is something hanging out two of their bottoms, I don't think it's the umbilical, it's too thick, it looks like an earthworm. I'm afraid it's the intestines but two of them have it and I've never had that happen. See pic below, it's not...
  3. chickmomma5683

    Help...chick hatched and can't stand up

    No but I'll try it. She's only a few hours old so I haven't taken it out of the incubator to try food and water.
  4. chickmomma5683

    Help...chick hatched and can't stand up

    Rhode Island Red, it's really small bc the egg was really small. They had only been laying for a month or so.
  5. chickmomma5683

    Help...chick hatched and can't stand up

    You put it in a shot glass? Did you put paper towels in there too?
  6. chickmomma5683

    Help...chick hatched and can't stand up

    Ok thanks. I was reading a lot about it and someone said to put it in a cup lined with tissue or paper towels to make it stand up. It's already dried out.
  7. chickmomma5683

    Help...chick hatched and can't stand up

    I just had one of my baby chicks hatch in the incubator and it can't stand up...flops around and its feet won't unfold. They were tiny eggs so I think it couldn't turn around in the egg, I had to help it out bc it wasn't positioned right. How do I help it stand up? So worried
  8. chickmomma5683

    Eggs hatching in what?

    Yes thank you. I posted a new thread and have gotten a few responses so that was helpful. Thanks for checking, I appreciate it. Our first chick hatched all the way yesterday
  9. chickmomma5683

    First time hatching in an incubator...they're hatching, now what?

    If they haven't pipped a hole yet this won't happen though right? I took the first chick out yesterday bc none of the others had pipped yet and added more water to the incubator.
  10. chickmomma5683

    First time hatching in an incubator...they're hatching, now what?

    ok thanks. I hope I haven't already hurt the others, I opened it and put water in today before I noticed the egg had started to crack and heard a peeping. I appreciate the advice.
  11. chickmomma5683

    First time hatching in an incubator...they're hatching, now what?

    I'm a first time hatching momma and I have my first batch of eggs beginning to hatch tonight in the incubator! Now what do I do? Leave them in there for a day to dry? Do I put food or water in there for them? I have other eggs still in there that aren't due to hatch for another week or so, will...
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