Recent content by Chicks4me8

  1. Chicks4me8

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I only have 4 chickens but all 4 of them have been laying pretty consistently for the last week.
  2. Chicks4me8

    Chick not growing.

    Thank you for that advice. I actually gave her some scrambled egg this morning as I thought I would see how they all liked them. I will get some meal worms for them on Friday. The bantams have a 1 quart water bottle thingy. How much ACV should I put in there?
  3. Chicks4me8

    Coop size

    So I have moved the older 6 outside and they love it. And of course the coop ended up being bigger than I planned as well as their "yard". I have yet to add the 2 bantam chicks to the mix as they are still in the house. I am hoping that they will go outside by the end of the month. And I am...
  4. Chicks4me8

    Scrambled eggs cause a pile up!

    My chickens really like apple sauce. I am thinking I will try them with some yogurt today and see what they think of that. I gave them meal worms and my Fayoumis went nuts over those.
  5. Chicks4me8

    Chick not growing.

    I have two bantam chicks and I am starting to worry about one of them. The chicks are a month old. The one chick is feathering out very nicely and seems to be on target. The other one however does not seem to be feathering out and is smaller than the other one. As for her feathers they are...
  6. Chicks4me8

    Official BYC Poll: How many chickens do you have?

    We have 8 that are all hens (pullets): 4 RIR, 2 Egyptian Fayoumis, and 2 Bantams
  7. Chicks4me8

    Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

    Rhode Island Reds are: Snap, Crackle, Pop, and Abby Egyptian Fayoumis are: Peep and Cheep Bantams are: Ziva and Gibbs
  8. Chicks4me8

    To feed Grit or Not???

    As for grit I just moved my 8 week old RIR and 6 week old Fayoumis outside. I know that they need grit but have yet to make it to the feed store to get some grit. So just a quick question...could I use the grit that I had for my parakeets until I can get to the feed store?
  9. Chicks4me8

    Do you ever feel like calling it a day? *Just caught a dog*

    I am so sorry for the loss of your chicks. I am trying to imagine the how you are feeling and as I sit here by 2 bantam chicks are in my lap and the others chicks (RIR and Fayoumis) are exercising in the bathroom. I am hoping to move the older "girls" outside as soon as this weather...
  10. Chicks4me8

    What is a poop board/tray

    Very nice...I will have to see if I could make a tray work. Thinking I will have to go more with the boards in my coop.
  11. Chicks4me8

    What is a poop board/tray

    Ok that is what I was thinking but then again wasn't to sure. Told ya it might be a stupid question. I will have to see if this is something I can add to my coop but. In general how wide is a poop board? The roosts I have are made from 1"x 2" pieces of wood. I have 1 that is 20" off the...
  12. Chicks4me8

    What is a poop board/tray

    I am new to owning chickens and I have just finished building their coop. As I have been reading I keep hearing the terms "poop board" and "poop tray". May be a stupid question but what are these?
  13. Chicks4me8

    Sweet PDZ?

    I will have to get some for my coop. I have yet to put my chicks outside due to snow but fingers crossed they can go out next week.
  14. Chicks4me8

    The Rhode Island Red Thread

    I have 4 RIR and I am in love with them. My daughter is using them for 4H. I have to say that each bird had it's own personality and I hate to say it but I do have my favorite of the 4 but love them all.
  15. Chicks4me8

    When to put outside?

    I was hoping to get most of my chicks outside this week but mother nature has pushed that back by at least a week. I was going to move the R.I. Reds (8 weeks old) and my Fayoumis (5 weeks old) to the brand new coop but I have 7" of snow with more on the way. They have been in the house since I...
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