Recent content by chicksrcool

  1. chicksrcool

    Chicksrcools Page

    August 4th, 2009 Our chick adventure has begun! 3 RIR's...Monalisa, Puffin, and Lipstick 2 Golden Laced Wyandotte's...Mystery and Goldie Monalisa & Goldie deceased Oct. 7, 2009 RIP my Loves August 8th: We found a bump on one chick and I was extremely worried! Turns out the babies crop...
  2. Our Repurposed Coop

    Our Repurposed Coop

    Our Repurposed Coop! Well here it is! I had originally planned to turn the kid's wood playhouse that was attached to their swingset into our first real coop. But my husband thought we should just use our boy's old playhouse that they outgrew long ago; and we were ready to yard sale. So very...
  3. chicksrcool

    How to get chicks to drink water

    Hmm well it might be different for me because I bought my chicks at the feed store...they should instinctively be ready to eat and drink right away without much assistance. As long as you have the chick starter and a proper waterer for their size it should work.
  4. chicksrcool

    no eggs

    My Golden Laced Wyandotte stopped laying for 3 weeks and now she only gives an egg a few times a week. She is a very persnickety type of chicken. The 5 other pullets have never gone through this.
  5. chicksrcool

    Someone sent me a very nice email and I guess I lost it...

    So thank you Bridget for the nice email! And to answer your question YES my girls get super noisy sometimes to the point I have to go out there and "shhhh!". I know after they lay eggs they have to do a vocal announcement, and why do they always do this on Sunday when we try to sleep in...
  6. chicksrcool

    how do i add new chicks to my flock????

    In my experience I had to wait until the chicks were about 4 months old and equivalent in size to the older females. I did try to introduce them sooner and it was wicked. The older girls were violently aggressive and to this day I have two coops. They do all free range together but each group...
  7. chicksrcool

    Is the dust dangerous to breathe when cleaning coop?

    Quote: O.M.G. LOVE! I know right? Who says our chicken hobby can't be stylish so true!
  8. chicksrcool

    My mealworm community! (Pics)

    Oh, looks interesting. I bought them some dried ones and they went cRaZy for them!
  9. chicksrcool

    HELP, My Second 1 day old chick just died....WHAT DO I DO?

    Absolutely terrible, I know you must be devastated. None of it makes sense! I would not think the water would be a factor. I think it's just a matter of either a possible injury or nature took its course...they may have looked fine but maybe they had a birth defect you could not see. I'm sorry
  10. chicksrcool

    Runny/gummy stinky, black droppings

    Yep maybe she ate a few extra bugs or something?! No need to worry I don't think;)
  11. chicksrcool

    Neither of my EE's lay colored eggs, just brown

    Out of my 3, only 1 lays the aqua color
  12. chicksrcool

    Discovery Channel Mass Chick Incubation Video

    OMG, that was terrible to see them on a conveyor belt like that! They must be terrified I would get fired from that place because I would be stuffing as many chicks into my coat as possible!
  13. chicksrcool

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Question about Ameraucanas...I bought 3 of them and when they starting laying only 1 lays the light blue eggs, the other two lay light brown. Does this mean the two laying brown eggs are not really Ameraucanas? And are Ameracaunas and Easter Eggers the same?
  14. chicksrcool

    My heart is broken / Told to get rid of my girls / Resolved!

    Quote: Where are you, in the San Diego area? I have 6 hens also and everyday I worry we might get caught with our hens. I don't think it is legal on our 8,000 sq ft of space. But if we keep them contained and not bothering anyone I see no reason why anyone should complain. What did you do...
  15. chicksrcool

    I found my chicken dead in the coop - what happened?

    Yep I've read blogs and other stories of random passings for no apparent reason. I'm so sorry that you lost Rusty
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