Recent content by Chikky Chikky

  1. Chikky Chikky

    Poop on adult hens' butt feathers

    One of my Buff Orpingtons is getting the dirty behind too and I see that that may be normal. I washed her off but her vent (?) keeps pulsing like she's constantly trying to poo. I just turned them out to break down the garden and I thought maybe she irritated by too much food. Thoughts?
  2. Chikky Chikky

    Sick 6-7 week old chicks. Please help

    Ha, sorry, I didn't look at the date! Those chicks are now almost 7 months old and giving me yummy eggs!:D
  3. Chikky Chikky

    Sick 6-7 week old chicks. Please help

    When mine were chicks one did that and I started putting apple cider vinegar in their water and he, as it turned out, was fine in a couple days.
  4. Chikky Chikky

    Should I Collect The Eggs Or Leave On The Nest ?

    My girls are starting to lay!! I have 4 eggs so far. One Sunday and 3 this morning! My question is: if I am gathering eggs for consumption, should I take them as soon as I know they're there? And I tried putting the golf balls in a couple nests and the girls seem to look for a nest that is empty...
  5. Chikky Chikky

    Sick 6-7 week old chicks. Please help

    Well BB is back to her/his old self !!!! Thank you guys SO much for the advice. They are almost 7 weeks old and better entertainment than any cat or dog I have ever known :D
  6. Chikky Chikky

    Sick 6-7 week old chicks. Please help

    Viola that sounds familiar, I will look for it tomorrow. This is what I got today .
  7. Chikky Chikky

    Sick 6-7 week old chicks. Please help

    Tappy, the only nutri drench they had was for cattle not chickens . I will have to check elsewhere. My bird is drinking a good bit and eating some. It even went out and pecked the ground a bit then laid down to rest. I sure hope he will be ok :(
  8. Chikky Chikky

    Sick 6-7 week old chicks. Please help

    I just got home from work and "he" was sitting on back of legs and his mouth was open. I made up a gallon of water with the Rooster Booster vitamin & Nutrient pellet in it and he is drinking it. Can't get him to eat while I'm watching but I just got here so he might... He bent over the oatmeal...
  9. Chikky Chikky

    Sick 6-7 week old chicks. Please help

    BB means Big Buff
  10. Chikky Chikky

    Sick 6-7 week old chicks. Please help

    My first sick chick! They are 6 weeks old and we just moved the coop outside. Heat lamp and all :). One of the Buff Orpingtons is way bigger than the others and has a bigger cone and red flappy things on each side. (Please don't be a Rooster!) We put them and the coop in the backyard Friday...
  11. Chikky Chikky

    how much to feed

    How old are yours Tom?
  12. Chikky Chikky

    how much to feed

    Ya I did the spaghetti too one day! That was something... Is it ok to give them something every day? Sometimes I give them a little steel cut oats or the green ends of my strawberries or some grass.
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