Recent content by ChknHeadChknFed

  1. ChknHeadChknFed

    Possible egg peritonitis

    Thank both of you. that's what I was worried about. I will make her comfortable andhappy and spoiled until it is time. not long i'm thinking.
  2. ChknHeadChknFed

    Need Help!!! Sick girl

    I've checked her abdomen and it is quite swollen when I compared her to her sister ( same breed same age) . I looked up egg peritonitis and she has all the signs. I never would have looked that up. Thank you.I was starting to think reproductive issue a little bit based on her age from what I've...
  3. ChknHeadChknFed

    Possible egg peritonitis

    Is there anything I can do? She is pretty swollen, hasn't laid in 2 months, crop issues. It's fairly advanced, I think. We treated the sour crop and impaction. We are giving her colidial silver as an antibiotic. Read my fist post for the rundown if you wish, it is titled," need help, sick...
  4. ChknHeadChknFed

    Need Help!!! Sick girl

    Farm vets are few and far between here. Regular vets, even avian , wont help.. Shes a barred rock. thank you!
  5. ChknHeadChknFed

    Need Help!!! Sick girl

    When you say time out, do you mean out of the kennel ad into the run? I was just concerned she would get all bunged up if she starts going after the grasses again. We have mowed and weedwhacked and raked up as much as we can.... She has no visible mites or lice..
  6. ChknHeadChknFed

    Need Help!!! Sick girl

    Thank you.. I'll let her out for a bit today ..The kennel she is in is huuge. It's for a great dane or rottweiller sized puppers. They other girls usually hang out near her. We are going to be moving her out of the showe ( we really stink lol) and will be putting her in the roost at night.
  7. ChknHeadChknFed

    Lethargic, malnourished, hunched in corner.

    I feel you. I feel like I am going through the exact same, but different, thing! Really the only thing different is my girl has a super red comb, not pale. We are doing everything too.. Our girl is 3 and a bit as well, also stopped laying... , So much the same. I am at my wits end. I'll be...
  8. ChknHeadChknFed

    Need Help!!! Sick girl

    LONG POST.... LOTS OF INFORMATION I tend to ramble so I will try to keep it to the point. HA!! I really do need some insight though My girl, Chicken Little is sick. About 2 months ago (ish) when the grass reappeared after a hard winter, She went crazy on the new shoots and got an impaction. I...
  9. ChknHeadChknFed

    Wrinkly Egg possible Bronchitis question..

    All she lays are weird eggs hahaaa!! for real. These couple were over and above even for her haa!! thanks! cheers!
  10. ChknHeadChknFed

    Wrinkly Egg possible Bronchitis question..

    No pic's .. but they look an awfull lot like the ones in the first pic.. She laid one today but They do not seem as gnarly as the one previous... thank for tha. That was one page I hadn't found yet! cheers!
  11. ChknHeadChknFed

    Wrinkly Egg possible Bronchitis question..

    thank you so much for the info. Those were the sites i checkedout.. I do very much appriciate your help!!! theother info you gave me I didn't know! cheers!!
  12. ChknHeadChknFed

    Wrinkly Egg possible Bronchitis question..

    1 yr old barred rock....17% organic layer feed.....snacks like greens some fruit..they free range and ate my pumpkins and squash from the garden.. ha! i'm 99% certain it is bronchitis..
  13. ChknHeadChknFed

    Wrinkly Egg possible Bronchitis question..

    A lill' bit of back story... One of my girls ( i currently have 2) Has always laid crazy big eggs.. Usually misshapen, sometimes swirled on top. Ridges, flat spots, Huge triple yolkers. I am amazed she hasn't gotten eggbound. Recently she had laid about 2 or 3 huge mega ridged wrikley shells...
  14. ChknHeadChknFed

    What kind of dog do you have?

    We have 2 rottweilers .. Gauge he's 14 and a ladies man and Rollo who is 7.well he's some kind of special. We also have 15 yr old cat named merow merow.. sounds like mow mow or mer mer. Her real name is Necro, after a gnarly rapper from back in the day.( who actually is awesome)... I let an...
  15. ChknHeadChknFed

    Boys VS Girls

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